Torsion in Gravity Theory

Torsion in Gravity Theory
Paweł Laskoś-Grabowski
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław
November 14, 2009
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General relativity
Mathematical framework
Einstein Cartan theory
Main part
Relation to the general relativity
Mathisson Papapetrou equation
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General relativity Introduction
Special relativity (1905): measurements differ between inertial frames
Aim: incorporate gravity in SR
General relativity (1915): influence of gravitational field on time and
Schwarzschild solution (1916)
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General relativity Introduction
L L2
Bending of light: = E2 - (r - 2M)
dr r2 r3
Perihelion precession of Mercury: contributes 43 of 5600 per century
" 2GM GM
Gravitational redshift: z = = 1 - - 1 H"
 r r
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General relativity Mathematical framework
Generalizing the SR formalism
Minkowski spacetime replaced by a manifold
Curvilinear coordinates ! non-constant transition matrix
 a"  (x) =

Metric encodes (local) gravitational field
 g a" g(x)
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General relativity Mathematical framework
Mathematical entities
Christoffel symbol a.k.a. the affine connection
 = g ("g + "g - "g)

Covariant derivative
"f = "f "A = "A +  A

"A = "A -  A etc.

They do not commute
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General relativity Mathematical framework
Curvature tensor
Mathematical entities, cont.
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General relativity Mathematical framework
Curvature tensor
Mathematical entities, cont.
Commutator of covariant derivatives: RA = [", "]A

. . . or transports. W - W = V R  

Coordinate expression
R = " - " +   -  
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General relativity Mathematical framework
Einstein Field Equations
Ricci tensor: R = R
Ricci scalar: R = R
Einstein tensor: G = R - Rg
G = 8ĄT
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General relativity Prospects
Further testing
Gravitational waves
Predicted by GR
The need for quantum gravity
Not observed directly
Indirect proofs exist
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Einstein Cartan theory Introduction
Do we need more?
GRT is older than spin, doesn t take it into account
More general theory arises from field-theoretical approach
History of the ECT
1922 designed by French mathematician lie Cartan
1950s  rediscovered by Sciama & Kibble
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Einstein Cartan theory Introduction
Mathematical foundations
Poincar group: rotations, boosts & translations
Tangent space at a point of a manifold
Differential forms
0-forms  smooth functions on open subset of a manifold
1 2 k
k-form  a"  2k dx '" dx '" '" dx
Wedge product  '"  = (-1)rank()rank()  '" 
"12k 1 2
Exterior derivative d = dx '" dx '" '" dx '" dx
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Einstein Cartan theory Main part
Tetrad, connection, curvature, torsion
Global Poincar symmetry changed to local one-form gauge fields
Translations Pa tetrad field ea a" e dx
Lorentz rotations &!ab = -&!ba connection field ab a"  dx
Important two-forms
Curvature Rab = dRab + a '" cb
Torsion T = dea + a '" eb
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Einstein Cartan theory Main part
Tetrad, connection, curvature, torsion
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Einstein Cartan theory Main part
Transformation laws and identities
Under local Lorentz transformation ab
 = T - (d)T
e = e
R = RT
Q = Q
Bianchi identity dRab + a '" Rcb - Ra '" cb = 0
c c
dQa + a '" Qb = Ra '" eb
b b
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Einstein Cartan theory Relation to the general relativity
GRT as a special case of ECT
a b
g = abee
ECT reduces to GRT when
The tetrad is invertible (as a matrix e)
The tetrad is covariantly constant (w.r.t. spin connection)
Torsion vanishes
The first assumption is quite useful in any case!
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Einstein Cartan theory Relation to the general relativity
Is ECT more  true than GRT?
Yes as a generalisation and for the aforementioned reasons
But the effects are extremely weak
No because it still isn t a quantum theory. . .
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Mathisson Papapetrou equation
Mathisson Papapetrou equation
Equation of motion in ECT
Particles represented as elements of the connected Poincar group
P+ = R4 Lę! = {(z, )}
z is the particle location,  encodes momentum and spin:
pa = ma0, m > 0
a b a b
Sabab = 12-1 a" -iS where (ab)cd = -i(c d - d c )

Lfree = paża + i Tr(12-1)
L = paeż + i Tr(12-1D ) + field part
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Mathisson Papapetrou equation
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Mathisson Papapetrou equation
Mathisson Papapetrou equation, cont.
Free solution: Wa = 0, @ab = 0 where Mab = zapb - zbpa + Sab
paSab = 0 pa = mża/ -ż2, `ab = 0
Nonfree equations of motion:
Spin precession eq.: Jab - Jba + (D S)ab = 0 where Jab = eżpb
a a 1
MPE: (D pa)e = pażT + ż Tr SR
Solving this equation is nontrivial, even in super-simplified cases
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Mathisson Papapetrou equation
Graphical results
0 i i
For a nonspinning particle,  = 0 and e0 = 1 + ąz1, ei0 = e0 = 0, eji = j
10 10
8 8
6 6
z0 z0
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
z1 z1
ą = 0.0005 ą = 0.001
z0 z0
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
z1 z1
ą = 0.005 ą = 0.01
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Sources & further reading
Robert M Wald, General Relativity, 1984
Krzysztof A Meissner, Klasyczna teoria pola, 2002
A P Balachandran, G Marmo, B-S Skagerstam, A Stern, Gauge
Symmetries and Fibre Bundles, 1983
A Trautman, Einstein Cartan theory
Paweł Laskoś-Grabowski, The Einstein Cartan theory: the meaning and
consequences of torsion, 2009
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Myron Mathisson
Warsaw 1897  Cambridge 1940
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