Bonus – Quick Product Creation

Cash for Now
Cash for Later
Quick Product Creation
One Problem/One Solution
Of all the topics I discuss in the Cash for Now and Cash for Later guide I
think most will probably get hung up on quick product creation. People get
really intimidated by creating products -- even if they ve done it before or
provided it as a service. I think most of it is due to lack of confidence.
Next, I ll break down some of those common fears and explain why they
really don t matter:
What Will People Think?
There are always people out there ready to tell you you ve done a bad job.
Seriously - ignore the haters. You cannot reach everyone at the same time.
You can t write a product that suits everyone s needs perfectly. You try
your best to weed people out through your sales letter, but some will
 sneak in expecting the moon handed to them on a platter for the low cost
of your mini product. Just smile and move on. You ll get emails from people
who are completely thrilled with your product and that will be enough to
get you through.
What if My Product Isn t Perfect?
As long as you are providing value, having a typo won t make or break you.
I guarantee you ll find people ready and willing to knock you down for
every mistake.
I know I referenced him in my main guide to Cash for Now and Cash for
Later, but that s because his succinct way of changing your mind and your
life is so powerful. Here is a blog post by Seth Godin on exactly that:
You can find the full post here - please also subscribe to his newsletter
while you re there. He sends out daily awesome and inspiring posts.
So, How Does Cash For Now and Cash for Later Fit
Into All of This?
I can tell you 2 things about the product you are reading right now.
1. There are an incredible number of other  make money fast and product
creation guides out there.
2. There is nothing out there like this one.
It s not anything I do differently or any unique ability I have -- it s just that,
inherently, I m the only one with this set of experiences and insight into a
problem (building a great online business) many people have.
The same goes for what you create. It is unique, valuable, and important.
Your experiences and the way you phrase things is unique, valuable, and
Make it Your Mission to Create a Product in a Day
I know this example gets pretty  tired -- but no one believed they could
run a 4 minute mile until someone actually did it. Do you believe you can
create a product in one day? I ve done it -- many times. I have to when I
work as a ghostwriter and have my own arsenal of products.
You re not creating a mega-course here. You re creating a mini product
(around 5K words or a little more) that solves one problem people have.
This mini product can be a list builder, a great front-end product,
something you give 100% commission on to affiliates, part of a course you
sell now and build up over time, and so on. It s something that can help
you earn cash for now (starting today, if you get things ready quickly
enough) and cash for later -- earning you passively over time as new
people find the product, you bundle it with others, and affiliates continue
to promote it.
Choose Your Topic
Hopefully you re getting excited about the prospects now -- but it s time to
get into the nitty gritty. You ve got to choose your topic. This might seem
obvious, but it is where people get hung up the most.
First know that creating a mini product is not a be all/end all decision.
You re going to create many more throughout your time as a marketer.
You can plan to create one product a month or even one product a week
(entirely possible with these mini products) this opens up the opportunity
for you to move pretty quickly through the topic choosing stage because
you know the door is not closing here.
On the other hand, you don t want to just choose a topic willy-nilly. You
want to make sure there is a market for it and that you are a true authority
on the topic (or that it s something you can legitimately research and add
value to the body of knowledge). You don t want to write a product about
how to earn thousands of dollars online if you have never done so yourself.
You do not want to write a book about building niche websites if you have
never done so yourself. What you can do is create research-based or case
study-based products. Think about what you ve accomplished in a current
or past job. I was a teacher, so I could have created a product teaching
others how to affect their readers more by targeting the various teaching
How to Find a Topic if You re Stuck
The common advice is to go on niche forums to research hot topics and
hot questions people have. This advice is given so often because it works! I
love digging deep into forum threads because this is where real people are
talking about real topics. You ll get in touch with your audience very fast
this way.
Don t think too hard about it just go through a forum topic related to your
niche (we will assume Internet marketing) and think about what you bring
to the table related to the topic. What research can you do? What advice
can you give? What have your experiences been?
One Problem and One Solution
Think about one problem people are having that you know you can hep
solve. This is fast to create and very valuable because it s so focused.
You re not going to end up selling this product for a lot of money (you
might even give it away for free as a list builder), but it can do wonderful
things for your business and help you earn cash fast.
Narrow it Down
Make a list of 5 or so topics that you are considering. Give yourself just a
few minutes to ponder each topic. Then, eliminate the cobwebs and
extraneous factors that really don t matter -- force yourself to make a
decision. Set your timer for one minute and choose your topic.
You must choose a topic by the end of that minute. Please
remember this is not a decision that defines your life, so don t let it be that
way. You ve already chosen topics that you find to be viable so just settle
on one where you know you can help people with new insight, research,
and tips.
Creating Your Product - Fast
You ve chosen the topic, so it s time to get started. You want to do this in a
day, after all.
Outlining and Researching
Go back through the forum, or multiple forms, you found and make a list of
10 or so questions or hot topics related to that single topic -- don t go off
on a tangent. Find topics that are extremely targeted to your product.
From that, make an outline of topics you want to cover. Each of those
questions or subtopics can become its own chapter.
Go through each of the subtopics you have outlined and create bullet
points of what you want to cover under each. If you need to gather
research, go ahead and do so you can copy and paste the research links
right where they go on the outline. Or, you can use a wonderful piece of
software called Scrivener, which helps you organize everything right in one
screen and makes your job so much easier. I use this daily -- in fact, it is
absolutely the most used application on my computer.
Spruce Your Outline With Personal Tidbits
After you have your research done, make sure that you are intimately
familiar with your topic and that you have interjected any personal stories
and experiences you want to include.
Write, Write, Write
Next, go through and write your heart out! These one problem one
solution guides can be around 5000 words. You are not writing an in-depth
novel! They can be longer, of course, but generally do not need to be.
You can also dictate your way through your outline and research. Dictating
your products can help things go faster than you ever imagined. You have
to edit, of course, but today s software is actually really great.
You can absolutely get your product done in one day. If you re a poor
typist, invest in dictation software. I make most of my money writing in
one form or another and have gotten faster over time. With that said, I
was able to do 5K words even as a newbie. Even if you have to spread it
over two days, that s just peachy because you ll have your own product
and be better off than you were two days ago.
What if you re not a great writer? Don t worry about being the best writer
on earth. As long as what you write is readable, just be yourself and write
as if you were writing to a friend. It s even easier to use dictation software
because it really is just like speaking to a friend. It s actually kind of fun. I
switch it up between typing and dictating to keep things interesting.
What if I Absolutely Hate Writing?
An alternative is to create slides and record yourself talking through the
sides with screen recording software -- I like Screenr but there are ones
you can buy and download to your computer as well. The idea is to create
something valuable and useful that hits home with your audience. It does
not have to be a massive product (and shouldn t be).
What about writing copy? No worries -- you ll find a guide on quick
copywriting in this package as well.
Putting the Product up for Sale? can take care of you every step of the way. Go there and walk through the
simple steps and your product will be ready in no time.


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