BONUS 2 Getting Quick Sales

Bonus Guide 2: Getting Quick Sales
Note: This bonus guide may be edited and given to the buyers of your
Once you have your seed site set up, you want to get some quick sales to
drive up the value of your site.
I m going to show you how to get new sales within in 72 hours. You don t
need to wait months for your site to rank, pay for banner ads or spend a lot
of money on PPC.
I m going to show you how to get your first few clients fast, then how to set
up an automated system that gets you new clients as well as repeat clients.
I call these my  gangster client attraction tactics
Gangster Client Attraction Method 1: (Blackhat) Google Adwords
Adwords is the quickest way to get your first few clients. It can get costly,
but I m going to show you how to get clicks for pennies.
First, use the Google Keyword tool to see what terms people are searching
for when they are looking for your service. For example, if you re selling
Facebook fans, search for  buy Facebook fans and you ll see something
like this:
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You see that this has pretty good number of monthly searches and solid
competition, indicating others are making money off of this keyword.
Create an ad for this keyword and related keywords. Creating and
optimizing your ad and copy is beyond the scope of this guide, but here are
some quick ad tips:
" Write the headline as a question  this immediately engages the
" Describe the benefit your customers are getting (more fans, more
sales, more backlinks, etc.)
" Avoid using copyrighted names such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. You
can get away with using these in your ads, but a lot of times, Google
doesn t allow it. Use  FB instead of  Facebook. Using  fans ,
 followers , etc is perfectly okay.
" Get some +1 s to your home page. Google +1 votes have been show
to increase your Adwords position and boosting your CTR. Find a
Fiverr gig that sells +1 votes or if YOU are selling these, get your
supplier to deliver these to your page.
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" Use these  magic words  These are the 6 exact  magical words
that expert copywriters use to increase conversions:  magic, free,
guaranteed, you/your, easy, introducing/announcing/introducing
(seriously, this tip right here is worth the price of this guide alone!)
This is an example of a great ad:
Its up to you how much you want to bid. I like setting a budget of $20/day
and I ll usually get 1 or 2 sales/day through that.
Okay now, onto the  gangster stuff&
Disclaimer: Use this technique at your own discretion. It s blackhat stuff
and I am not endorsing it in anyway. I m not responsible for anything that
happens to your account after trying it.
You can actually buy Adword vouchers from sellers on various forums. You
pay only a few bucks and get $50-$140 in advertising credit with Google.
You can also do the same with Facebook ads coupons.
I recommend contacting the sellers in digital point or starting a thread
asking for sellers to contact you with their best prices. Here s the forum:
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Technically, you are only allowed to use these vouchers if you have a new
Adwords account. But if you re safe about covering your tracks, you can set
up multiple accounts. I recommend asking the seller how to use these ads
and safely set up multiple Adwords accounts without getting caught.
Everyone seller has their own different tactics, but this basically entails
hiding your IP address (use a service such as
I ve gotten away with using the same billing address and credit card info.
But check with the seller to confirm this.
Every time you make a new ad, use a new free blogger blog and set that as
your landing page. Once your ads are approved by Google, make your blog
redirect to your actual site by using this piece of code in the header:

Set the display URL as your website s URL. This allows you to set up
unlimited Google Adwords accounts using new vouchers.
Again, I am not recommending you do any of this stuff& this is for
informational purposes only ;)
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The above method is what allowed me to make 1 or 2 sales/day, spending
only $10/ week on ads. You can stop using this technique once you get a
few clients since a portion of these clients will order from you repeatedly.
Gangster Client Attraction Method 2: Forum PMs
The second method I used to get clients right away was going on various
forums and PMing members who posted about getting Facebook fans.
Good forums to do this include:
Digital Point Forums -
Black Hat World  really great place to start -
Warrior Forum
V7N Forums
Site Point Forums -
Wicked Fire Forums
I recommend creating a new account and making a few posts so you get
PM privileges. Because you can get banned for  spamming , although this
has never happened to me because I m always friendly and not pushy.
I do a search for whatever service I m offering. And look at members who
are interested in what I m offering. For example, I ll search for  Facebook
fans and get results with threads that have titles along the lines of  How
can I increase my Facebook likes? . I ll PM the user with a friendly
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When writing this message follow these guidelines:
" Mention how you found them, so the message is a bit more personal
" State your regular price and offer a discount  you need to do this
especially if you re a new member.
" Highlight the benefits of choosing your service and why your service
is better than others
" Link to your testimonials page
" Give them your email/skype& it s much easier than exchanging loads
of private messages
If another user is offering a Facebook fans service and has a paid thread, I
NEVER message those who replied in their thread. I wouldn t want
someone else stealing my potential customers so I don t do it to others.
Plus, this is how you get reported and banned from the forum.
Alternatively, you can create paid threads on forums offering your services.
For example, you can post your service on  Warrior for hire . Offer
discounted  review copies and get testimonials up as quickly as possible.
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Once you have a few testimonials, bump your thread and this time, you ll
get a bigger wave of customers since you have the proof backing you up.
Note that when you re offering your services on forums, your prices have to
be a little lower since there is most likely competition already. You need to
lower your prices and find a good hook or bonus to get people to order from
you. I suggest putting together a free report (or buy a PLR product) on a
topic related to your service. For example, if you re selling Facebook fans,
throw in a free report or video on how to double fan conversions by setting
up a reveal tab.
So again, the key is to stand out from your competitors (offer bonuses or a
free report) and establish proof ASAP (testimonials).
Gangster Client Attraction Strategy #3: Facebook
Go on Facebook and join a fan page that s related to the service you re
offering. If you re selling Facebook fans, I recommend&
These are fan exchange fan pages where fan page owners can LIKE each
other s pages. This means that everyone is interested in getting more fans
to their fan page! That s over 30,000 potential clients right there!
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Using your personal profile, message 5 fan page owners a day, casually
telling them about your services. Provide a link to your testimonials page
and offer them a discount. Again, personalize the message: address it to
their name and say something about their fan page, so they don t think
you re a spam bot or something.
(I know I didn t offer her a discount in this example, but it s always a good
practice to follow)
A lot of these potential clients will be skeptical, so that s why it s a good
idea to have testimonials ready:
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This client ended up ordering from me after I showed her the Australian
testimonial, which goes to show how important testimonials are to your
Do not send more than 5 messages/day unless you want Facebook to
suspend you from messaging people.
A combination of these 3 techniques allowed me to generate over $1000 in
my first month without any SEO. Google Adwords was definitely the most
effective client attraction technique, followed by Forum PMing and offering
a service thread. I spent less than $100 on everything and after the first
month, a handful of my clients became repeat clients and continued
ordering form me.
I was very busy with school and only worked about an hour a day on this
business - 30 minutes of managing my orders and 30 minutes of finding
new clients. If you have more time, I highly recommend you devote it to
more leads and clients quickly. If you provide quality service (choosing a
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good supplier, friendly emails, timely updates, and offering discounts) you
can definitely expect a lot of repeat orders!
Turning Leads into Clients
Now let s look at how to turn leads into clients. We ll also talk about how to
with your clients and provide the type of customer service that will make
them keep coming back.
I said this before, but you want to under promise and over-deliver. They will
love you for this. Promise 1000 fans but give them 1,100. Your suppliers
will do this naturally.
Always give longer project completion estimates. Tell them that their order
will be done in 10 days even though you know it should take no longer than
7. This not only gives you a buffer in case something comes up, but also
establishes your reputation as a professional and high quality service
Always be honest and straightforward with your clients. Never lie about
your service quality. If you can t deliver 100% real fans, don t make that
claim (By the way, no supplier can deliver 100% real fans. The best ones
give a mix of real and fake fans).
When you first start talking to customers, they will ask you a lot of
questions. Take note of these because they are likely to come up over and
over again with new clients. Find answers to these questions as soon as
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possible and brainstorm ways to best answer them. Post them to your FAQ
If you don t know the answer to a question, tell your client that you have to
check with your team and you ll get back to them soon. Find out the answer
from your suppliers and email your clients back.
You may have to spend some extra time addressing potential clients
customers before they ll finally buy from you. I highly recommend you doing
this on Skype. Ask for their username, and add them to your contacts. Set
up a brief session and explain your service to them. I find that almost every
single potential customer I talk to on Skype ends up using my service after I
answer their questions.
It s a good idea to have an excel sheet where you ll be keeping track of
your leads. Set up a new workbook with the following column headings:
" Name  Their name
" Where contacted  where you guys first started talking (forum,
Facebook, contact-us form, etc.)
" Notes  what packages they were interested in, their level of interest
" Contact Info  their Skype name, email address, forum handle, etc.
" Contact again  when to contact them again. If they need time to
 think about it keep following up every few days until you get a
straight forward no. Sometimes, they ll tell you to contact them again
in a week, month or whenever. Be sure to follow up!
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For bigger deals, you may have to speak with your potential clients over the
phone. They just want to confirm you re a real company and won t be
ripping them off. You can get an 1800 number with Google Voice and look
like a legitimate business.
Whenever a potential client expresses interest, offer to chat them over
Skype and offer free consultation about their business. Don t worry if you re
not an expert consultant or anything.
You simply want to ask them what their business is (find out their URL and
take a look at their site/ fan page). Offer any suggestions if you have
expertise, otherwise, simply let them know if their site will benefit form
using your service. Hint: 99% of the time, it will ; )
I have had to turn down websites in the past because their fan
requirements were too specific (some guy only wanted African American
fans in the North Carolina area, which is practically impossible). I also don t
do business with adult websites or sites that promote violence or drugs.
When talking to clients (whether on the phone or Skype), you need to be
prepared with the following&
" Your service s features and benefits  do not keep talking on and on
about your features. Always tie it back to how it will benefit your
client. The magic words are,  we can help you&  and explain the
benefit they ll get. This is another golden tip that will get you more
" Your prices and rates
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" The lowest price you re willing to let them try your service for  decide
on a minimum amount and offer that as a trial price for new clients if it
comes down to it.
" Answers to the most common questions and objections they re likely
to have (turn around time, methods, guarantees etc.)
" Past projects and testimonials you can show them, preferably with
someone who is in the same line of business they are in. For
example, if they are a local business, direct them to a testimonial
from another local business owner
Part 2: Running The Business
Efficiently Managing Your Orders
After receiving each order, you want to enter it in your order log and send
an email to your supplier.
It s very important to keep your orders organized because you ll have a lot
coming in from different people. The best way I ve found to do this is to
create a Google doc and share it with your supplier.
I like to color code this document. For example, pink = done. Yellow = rush
order. Blue = processing White = not started yet.
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Be sure to have an order number for each order so you can easily
communicate with your supplier about your orders statuses.
Once, you enter log the order, you need to send an email to your supplier
and pay him for the order. Always pay through freelancer or odesk. You
can pay through paypal, but keep in mind that suppliers can be flakey and
disappear without any warning. Always send your payment as a payment
for  services , never for  personal reasons. This way, if anything goes
wrong, you can dispute the issue with paypal and get your money back.
If you go with the suppliers I m going to be recommending to you, you won t
have any issues with this.
The email you send your suppliers should look something like this:
That s it! Super simple stuff and should take no more than 5 minutes to do.
Your supplier should email you back to confirm that they received the order
and estimated turnaround time. They will also fill it in the Google document
for you.
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Then, every week, go through your order log and send updates to your
clients with when their order will be completed. This takes 10 minutes to do
and this is what s going to make your customer service stand out and get
you repeat clients. Make sure to make your update as personalized as
possible  use their first name and compliment their website if appropriate
(without coming off as a suck up of course).
Some of your clients will be busy and won t care about their order statuses
while others will want to know the status practically everyday. It s important
to show them you didn t forget about them or took their money and ran
Once their order is done, send them an email like this:
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Again, use their first name and make the message a bit personal. Your
supplier will almost always deliver more than what they ordered. Point this
out and your clients will love you for this. In marketing, you always want to
under promise and over deliver.
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Collecting Testimonials
This is so important that I decided to make it its own section. This isn t
really a single step. You need to be collecting customer testimonials on an
ongoing basis and leveraging them to gain the trust of potential clients.
Initially you want to collect as many testimonials as quickly as possible, so
offer clients an incentive to send you a testimonial. Offer to enter them in a
1000 fan give away (or whatever service you re providing) in exchange for
a testimonial. Be sure to tell them what specific aspects of your service you
want them to comment on. If they ll write a testimonial for you, they ll
always write a positive one.
When you get enough testimonials, stick these ALL OVER your website.
Create a  testimonials page and add that to your main menu. Add it to the
bottom of your pages, including footer/sidebar widgets.
Testimonials give your service tons of credibility. They will mean the
difference between someone choosing you or your competitors. And
chances are, most of your competitors aren t displaying testimonials on
every page like you are so you have an instant advantage over them.
Fast testimonial method  To jumpstart your testimonials ASAP, you can
go on and pay someone to create testimonials for you. I
don t recommend ever getting fake testimonials, so you can actually offer
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them your service for free and have them make detailed video testimonial.
Ask them to show before and after proof.
This is extremely powerful and is a great way to establish massive
credibility right off the bat.
Getting Suppliers
Selecting the right supplier is half the battle to establishing a successful
reseller business. There are TONS of suppliers to choose from and most
people have to go through a few before they decide who to work with on a
long-term basis.
Bonus guide 3 contains a list of recommended suppliers. Some of these
guys I ve personally worked with and can vouch for the quality of their
communication and service. Others have extremely high feedback scores
on Freelancer/oDesk so I would also recommend them over some random
guy with no feedback.
Because a lot of these guys are overseas and aren t used to the
professional nature of business, there are certain things you need to do to
make working with them as smooth as possible.
Make an account on and create a job posting.
Be as detailed and specific as possible about the quality of work you re
expecting. Do not worry about being too demanding. There are thousands
of freelancers for every type of service and they are easily replaceable.
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Make it crystal clear how they will get paid, the requirements of your
service, how you guys will communicate, etc.
A good job posting would be something like this:
Feel free to copy (WORD FOR WORD is totally cool) postings by other
people who are looking for the same service.
After paying the $5 refundable fee (if you have a new account, your first
posting is free), you will have a lot of bids and messages. Start going
through this list and browse through the people with the highest feedback
rating and completion percentage. Message them back asking for their
Skype info and chat with them to make sure they can offer what you re
going to provide.
You can ask for  test packages for one of your sites to be sure they are
going to deliver what they say.
This is a Skype conversation I had with a potential fans supplier:
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During your interviews, you need to tell them exactly what you expect from
them. Here is a list of things I take into consideration when deciding on a
new supplier:
" Free test  If the supplier is willing to let you test their services for
free, it s an indicator that they are delivering quality work. Test their
service and make sure they are delivering exactly what they say they
are. If they promise real Twitter followers, verify that the followers are
real people!
" Ask them lots of questions- Ask what methods they use, their
turnaround times, where they are based out of, what volume they can
handle, etc. Also anything about the service that a client might want
to know.
" Payment through 3rd party website (Freelancer or oDesk)  How
this works is you simply deposit the money into freelancer or oDesk
and they start their work. When they are done, you look it over their
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work and release the payment to them when you are 100% satisfied.
Try to avoid paying through PayPal. What happens is PayPal tends to
freeze these overseas accounts. I have had experiences where my
suppliers disappeared without delivering any of my orders. Luckily, I
paid through  services and was able to dispute the transactions with
Paypal and get my money back. And never, ever send payments as
personal payments through Paypal.
" Bulk discounts  Because there is a lot of competition among
suppliers, you can almost always get cheaper rates than what your
supplier charges you upfront. This is why I recommend interviewing
and testing a few different suppliers before choosing one of them.
Ask each supplier if you could get a discount for sending bulk orders
to them. Decide on what volume qualifies as  bulk and negotiate a
price. In my experience, will be very happy because they are getting
guaranteed work and will give you a much better price.
" Communication through email and Skype  make sure your
supplier has a Skype account as this allows for instant
communication in case you have an urgent issue. Also tell them that
you will be sending them orders through email.
" Establish rules for fulfilling orders - Tell them that you re going to
be submitting orders by email and filling the orders in Google
documents. Let them know they are responsible for updating the
order via Google doc and notifying you every time an order is
At first, you want to be using a few suppliers simultaneously to evaluate
them. If you find that one is the best, go with that supplier exclusively.
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If your suppliers are doing a good job, tell them and reward them with a
bonus! Develop a relationship with them. You will get special treatment
(discounts, faster services, better quality) and they get better compensation
and more business. It s a win-win.
Be nice to your suppliers. They re people too! You might be inclined to feel
superior to them because they call you sir and they are a dime a dozen.
But they are part of YOUR business. I used to do something called profit
sharing with my suppliers, which is basically giving them 1/3 of my monthly
profits for doing a good job.
I know you re thinking, Tony, that s crazy! But profit sharing encourages
your employees to go out of their way to find solutions to your improve your
business. For example, one of my suppliers found a way to target
Facebook fans by state, which no one else was able to do at the time. They
also hooked me up with SEO discounts and assigned a few employees to
only work on my projects.
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