Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 163

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 163

Lesson 4C There’s too much pollution.

Exercise 7a CD1 Track 49

InterYiewar. Thank you for taitong to us today. Mrs MagurÄ™. Now. we know ytm have a loi of pr oblems with cars oulsćio your schód. Coubi you expiain a bit moce ahout rt?

w oman:    Odarty. Guta sm*iy. tlicre*s loo much traltic out$<Å‚e the schód

9very morning arnj every aftemoon. Parents dnve ther chtcten to schód - nghl up 1o ttw gotus Tliore «n’l enough space to park so they just stop in tt>e ruad as near 10 ihe schoot as tney can get. It’s very dangerous for the students who aro trytng ro cross ihe road. But that tani the ody thing its vwy udioaiOiy, The ar is poiuted bououso of the iraffic H's disgusting

Exercise 7b CD1 Track 50

lnterviewer So, what is the sdution? What woułd you ikc to do ahout rt?

woman:    WoR, wc nood a Mggor car park. Thats probabty U* eas*est thing.

But I ulsu t«ve son^e morÄ™ ideas. I d fcke to have two nr tnroo echod buses to bring the student* to schód - that s butler Wian al these cars everywhere And 1’d ulso Ike moro Student $ to cycle to schód And ot course. I U»nk mora of our students shoufd walk to scltod. Wtren I was ther age. I waikod evorywncr d

Unit 5 Now and then

Lesson 5A We’ve got on well sińce we met.

Exercise 4 CD 1 Track 54


make an appomtmoof with


make breakfast


do your hest

make lunch


do a course

make dmner


mÄ…ko a med


mukc a cup of coffee


mÄ…ko o mos8


make a decision


make a m>slakc


make a d<fference




do an exam



do atest


do serre shoppng


do some exerctse


do some work


make fnends with


do 55omoono a favour


do your homework


mttfm iiKMiey


do txxisewofk

Lesson 4D Focus on Los Angeles.

Exercise 1 CD1 Track 51

Aroerfcan cirtes: Los Angeles

Los Angeles is much morÄ™ than a city. H$ a larg© area in ttxi stele of Caftfomia. on the west coast of tho USA. it rciuoos Hotywood. Beverty Hlis and C>soeyiand. H is. of course. the homc of American Mms. but film-making i$n’t Los Angdns' ody tedustry. It's aÅ›ao lite busiest pod in the USA.

Another mafy ndustry is kxnsm. Every year LA weÅ‚comes about 24 rmihon sigtitseers. The ‘lounst trat* usually ncWw the famous Hotywood sign. the Chincse theatre (the place where ceieOrmee teeve the* hund und kmipnnis in Ute pavement) and tho Kodak thoatm (tho homo of the OÅ›ca* ceremottes). Tourists can vis»t Uniyorsai Stucbos und sec the sets of many famous fifms. oW and oew. Tounsts ateo lewo Ihe tlteme parks and the wonderful beaches.

Un fortunat ety. the locotion ol LA cui cuuse serious probiems Cairfómta scar oHrtdHiake £one and 111994 there was a uery big oarthQi*akn In LA. Many bufckngs. bodyes and roads weie nd strong enough. and they collupsed. About sixty peopie cfced. Soenttsts proefret anornor eafihquake soon.

The weattief can be a problem, loo. Somettnes n the autumn Cd tomki oxponenoe$ exlremefy strong wnds. These can sproad tumbie ftres because ihe ground *$ very <1ry aftor tho long hot summer. This fiappened in 2007 and many peopie it LA lost thcir hor nos.

Exercise 3 CD1 Track 52

Hefc) and welcome to City Watch Today v/o vteit Los Angeles on the west coast of the USA. Let'$ ftnd out morÄ™ ahout the sights of the famous city - home to the stars.

One of the most popular sighls h Hotywood rs Grauman s Cdnese Thnatro The beautiful dd buRcfcng * one ot the most famous dnemas in the wortd. It opened in 1927. and »t's where odebnties go to wutch il^ear idits lor the first tme. You can boy tickds lor a tour of the theatre. but it*s not $o easy to see a frim there - ytxj rwve to bu a cctebntyf

Grauman s Chinosn Thoatm te especiaf/ famous because of the pavement n front d It. MorÄ™ than two hunckcd cetebcities have teft then pnnts there. and rt s yeot tun e*amining them. There are a few surpnsos. too. tf you go thore. you*l aiso see the prints of three famous horses, alongside the famous pcopW

Ouisidi; n>e ifieatre there are usoalÅ‚y stceet pedormers - octors dro6sod if) as characters from famous ftinns, The Street pertormers aru hjn to watch. and you can take photos ol thom - if you ^x<y. of course.

The Walk of Famo goes past Itie Chinese Theatre. It*s qurte a long wafc - noody six kilometr es in length. AJong the way there aro utxxjt two and a Å‚idf Hxmsand stara in

Lesson 5B How long have you been waiting?

Exercise 8a CD2 Track 5

Mrs R:    Metlo John. I haN.«n*t seer y<xi fry yoars In fact, not .<unceyou were tent

John:    Oh. hi. Mrs Robert*.

Mrs R:    Whut scfwofduyougotonow?

John:    I go to Oaktancfs it s not tar from home

M rs R:    Oh. when cW you start there?

John:    About five yenrs ago. I think. I was eteven. Yes. frve years ago.

Mrs R:    l sm*x>se you get the bus to schód?

John:    Wel. I did, txit al my fnends cycte. so I staded cyd»^9. loo - about a

month ago It^s grrrat I kke the exerOSe

Mrs R:    That’$ good. Do you do any othor sport, npad from the cycling?

John:    Yes. i staded piayv»g baskctbal last summer and I iove it I ptay 4 every


Mrs R:    And, whnfftymr favourite subject at schód?

John:    It s Spunisfv i ruaily like it. I ody started study^g it six months ago

Mrs R:    And I nemember you cdioctrxf oW comics Is Ihat nght? Do you sti do


John:    Yes. I started cdleamg oormes when I was s(M)nufxl i siiilrio it. I started

sofcng thom List yoar Tve madÄ™ some money from them. actualty.

Mrs R:    Isee. soyourea businessman nowi Weil. rt'snicu toscoyouugain.

Rease say hdio to your pirents.

John:    Yos, i wRi.

Mrs R:    Bye. now.

John:    Bye

Lesson 5D Space travel

Exerci$6 5 and 6 CD2Track9

1    Actuaty. I don*t think we have any. There arc uhvays so many itlle iobs to do. Tds momlng I hart to rapair the radio because it didn l work and another astrondv.it wanted to tdk to his famty. In the evemng we sometmes have a bttie bit of tme to retax but wo ro so nrod we ustany tai asteep.

2    It depends where wo oru in tÅ‚x? space sta bon. In some areas we dont need anything speoal but when we re working outs»do wo oÅ‚wiousÅ‚y need helmets and space smls. We ai gol a bkie unrtorm v/ticn wc K?ft bul we ody weer them when we no on a wieo bnk to 6adh.


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