■ The Genetic Codę - S.D. Black. U. of Texas Health Center at Tyler Table relating nucleic acid tripłet to the corresponding amino acid.
■ Moleculor Bioloay - The Bioloay Project. Bioto gy. University of Arizona Activities. Problems sets. and Tutorials: MoleculorGenetics; Nucleic Acids: Recombinant DNA Technology; Eukaryotic Gene Expression
■ Prokoryotic Genetics and Gene Expression from the MIT Hypertextbook - M.I.T. Tools for studying prokoryotic genetics. btochemicalgenetics. Loc operation, etc.
■ The makina of the nucleosome - D. Pruss Simplified images and a tour.
■ http://www.aqen.ufl.edu/~chvn/aqe2062/lect/lect 10/lect 10.htm
■ http://www.borq.com/~lubehawk/mendel.htm
■ http://www.sonic.net/~nbs/projects/anthro201/disc/