Stylistic analysis of text5

>    This text seeks to reproduce the speech of a child - the syntactic technicjues it uses are relatively straightforward.

>    Generally coordination is used rather than subordination, so the repetition of and becomes rather obligatory.

>    The most frequent type of subordination in the passage is relativisation, which is the most frecjuent type of subordination in speech what makes the use of the less formal relativiser insistence.

>    Ali of this provides the foundation for the humour of the text: a baby judging its parents' marriage.

Crystal, David & Da\y, Derek (1969), Investigating English Style. United States of America, Longman Group

Halliday, M.A.K. (1964) Descripdve Linguistics in Li te rury Studies, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Unhrersity Press

Widdowson, H.G. (1975), Stylisdcs And the Teaching of literaturę, London, Longman Group

Wright, Laura & Hope, Jonathan (2000) Stylisdcs: A Pracdcal Coursebook. London, Roudedtre


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