Example \Ve’re from Ilaly.
1 _shc a student?
2 Wc_Ir ish.Wc’rc Scott ish.
3 "Ishein Icvel4?” *'No,hc_
4 "Is Maria Spanish?" “Ycs,_is.”
5 This_Chincscfbod. It's Japancsc.
6 "Whcrc_youfrom?" “1'm from Peru.”
7 “Arc they teachers?” “No,thcy_
8 I_Russian. I m from Moseow.
2 Complete thesentence. Choose the correct word.
Examplc Fm American._family is from New York.
A My a B Your CU C Thcir CU
1 They'rc students.__namcsarc James and Marta.
A His □ B Her □ C I hcir □
2 Carlo is Italian, but_mother is Irish.
A his CU B her CU C shc CU
3 Itsaschod._na me isThcEnglish Schód.
A His □ B Her □ C Its □
4 Wcarc in lcvel l._tcacher is American.
A Thcir CU B Our □ C Your □
5 This is our tcacher._namc is Mark.
A His □ B Her □ C He □
6 Sally, plcasc open_book.
A you □ B your □ C. yourc □
3 Choose the correct word.
Examplc: lt'sa/ an IDcard.
1 Thcyrc watches/ watchs.
2 Whatsthis /thesc? Itsanumbrella.
3 Open an/ thedoor.
4 Thosc/Thatstudcntsarc Frcnch.
5 The students arc from difterent countrys / countries.
6 This is a / an in ternational schód.
| Grammar total m
4 Complete the sequence. Choose the correct word.
Examplc: two, four, six,_
A nine CU B cight Q C ten □
1 Monday, Tucsday, Wcdncsday,_.
A Saturday □ B Thursday □ C Sunday □
2 thirty-scvcn, thirty-cight, thirty-nine,_.
A forty CU B sixty CU C fifty CU
A one hundred CU B one thousand □
C nincty O
4 Monday, Wcdncsday, Eriday,_.
A Sunday CU B Thursday CU C Saturday CU
5 fiftecn, twenty, twcnty-five,_.
A thirty CU B thirty-fivc CU C thirtccn CU
A clcvcn □ B ten □ C twelvc □
5 Write the matchingcountry or national ity.
Examplc: Ja pan lapancse
1 the United States _
2 Mcxico
3 _ Italian
4 France
5 _ Chincsc
6 _ Brazilian
American English File J
C Oxford Unft-eraty Press 2008