MATLAB: An Introduction

TIils lab Ls to familiarne thestudents with MATLAB etwironment through it some preliminary MATLAB funct ions will be also covered.


Students aie required to go through the steps explained below aixl then complete the exercises given at the end ofthe lab.

1. Introduction to MATLAB

1.    Too add comment the following symbol Ls used

ii.    Help Ls provided bytyping“help”or ifyou know the topie then “help functionname” or“doc function naułe".

iii.    Ifyou dont know the exact name of the topie or command you are looking for.type "looktór keyword" (e.g.. "lookforregression")

iv.    Tltree doLs are used to continue a statement to next linę (tow).

v.    If after a statement Ls entered then MATLAB will not display the rcsult of the statement entered ot herwise result would be dLsplayed.

vi.    Use the up-arrow to recall commands without retyping tliem (and down arrow to go forward in commands).

vii.    MATLAB Ls ease sensitive.

2.    Basic i unctionalities of MATLAB

Defininga scalar: x-l x ■


Delining a column vector

V "




Defining a iuw vector w - [I 0 1] w -101

Transpose a vector W w’





Defininga rangę for a vector X 1:5:5'


Columns 1 through 7

1.0000    1.50002.0000 2.5000 3.00003.5000


Columns S through 9 4.5000 5.0000


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