B. E. E b TC (Elective II) (In sem exam) August 2015

PLC and Automation


Ql) a) Define the term automation. Explain in detail different types of automation. [6 m]

Ans.: (Refersection 1.11)

b) Explain the term servomechanism with suitable example. [4 m)

Ans.: (Refersection L2)


Q2) a) Draw and explain the błock diagram ofprocess control s>-stem with examp!e. [6 m]

Ans.: (Refersection L3)

b) \Vhat is the role of Automation in process industry. [4mJ Ani: (Refersection 1.11.2)

Q 3) a) Why transmitters are required ? Explain 2-wire and 3 -wire connection for RTD. [6 m]

Ani: (Refersection 2.2.2 and 2.2.3)

b) What is DPT ? Explain its worki ng with neat diagram. [4m]

Ani: (Refersection 18)


Q 4) a) List various temperaturę sensors used in process industries ? Draw and explain the temperaturę measurement using RTD withappropriatesignal co nditioning system ? [6 m]

Ani: (Refersection 2.5,2.6 and2.5)

b) A temperaturę sensor has a spanof 20 °C- 250 *C. A measurement resultsinavalue of55*C for temperaturę, spedfy the error if the accuracy is, i) ± 0.5 % of fuli scalę value; ii) 0.75 % of span. [4 m)

Ani: (Refersolved example no.38 on page 2-66)

Q5) a) Explain Cascade PIDcontrollerindetail. [6 m]

Ani: (Refersection 3.11)

b) Explain microprocessor based control system [4m]

Ani: (Refersection 3.12)


Q 6) a) Write a notę on stepper motori [6 m]

Ani: (Refersection 3.22)

b) Explain working prindple of pneumaticactuator. [4 m)

Ani: (Refersection 3.24)

(Notę: AD section and pąge references are given with respect to the PLC and Automation Book by Chinttan from Chinttan Publications. For details of the book. please visit: www.chinttanpublications.in)


PLC and Automation (B.E. E & TC)

By Chinttan

Size: A4, Pag es: 568. Price : Rs. 339.00 (Oflfer price: Rs. 237.00)

Ftead Table of contents

To get latestotfer and addition of solu ton and notes. Follow us on PLC and Automaton Fasebook page

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