Kri sten Kummen 1/11/12 Theology/ Period 7

Semester 1 Exam - Theology 3 Study Guide

•    blue and bold text-my weird wayof remembering something

•    highlighted text- I don't knowthe answer / unsure answer

1)    God: Supreme Being, pure spirit, infinitely perfect, who is self-existing, and madę all things and keeps them in existence

2)    Metaphysics of Being:

a)    Eternal: A being that has no beginning and no end

i) God

b)    Immortal: has a beginning and no end

i) man, angels, devils

c)    Mortal: hasa beginning and a n end i) animals, plants

3)    Who were the stoics and what is their relationship to the church today?

a)    stoic - were alwaysguided by reason alone; held that the highest good that man can accomplish is to live a life of virtue in accordance with right reason

b)    Stoics recognized Monotheistic God & studied book of Naturę, & that led to Natural Law

c)    they participated in the sacraments

d)    the rituals and traditions withinthe Church developed over hundreds of years and is still accumulating today

e)    all of the various rituals, the prayers and the Eucharist remained the same

4)    Why are Natural Law Ethics important?

5)    Virtues

a)    Theological Virtues(Faith, Hope and Love are logical)

i)    Faith -the virtue by which wefirmly believeall thetruthsGod has revealed, on the wordof God revealing them, who ca n neither deceive nor be deceived

ii)    Hope -the virtue by which wefirmly trust that God, who is all-powerful and faithful to His promises, will in Hismercygkre us eternal happiness and the means to obtain it

iii)    Charity/Love - the virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God

b)    Cardinal Virtues(|ustin Timberlake loves PF Chang's) (standsforjustice, temperonce, prudence & fortitude belong with Cardinal)

i)    Prudence - disposes us in all circumstances to form right judgments about what we must do or not do

ii)    Justice - disposes us to give everyone what belongs to him

iii)    Fortitude - disposes us to do what is good in spite of any difficulty

iv)    Tern perance -disposes usto control ourdesires and to use rightlythe things which pleaseour senses

6)    SanctifyingGrace:

a)    Grace - the supernatural gifts ofGod bestowed on us through the merits of Jesus Christ for our salvation

b)    Sanctifying Grace-the grace that confers on our souls a new life, that is a sharing in the life ofGod Himself i) The Chief Effects of Sanctifying Grace:(PIeasant adoption makes us temples of Heaven)

(1)    It makes us holy and pleasing to god

(2)    It makes us adopted children ofGod

(3)    It makes us temples of the Holy Spirit


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