


O-Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź A, B, C lub D.

1    Which of these do you not buy in a DIY storę?

A tights B tools C paint D nails

2    Men get their hair cut at:

A the butcher's C the newsagenfs B the barber D a DIY shop

3    Which of these is not a pattern?

A checked    C    smart

B dotted    D    striped

4    What do you cali a new product you get in a shop when you make a complaint about a product you have already bought?

A refund    C    change

B replacement    D    bargain

5    Who do you go to in order to have a new suit madę?

A a plumber    C    a mechanic

B a tailor    D    a beautician

6    Which verb fits both sentences?

I need to_rid of this old sweater - it's out of

fashion already.

I_on well with my siblings.

A take B get C be D make


£► Uzupełnij podane definicje odpowiednimi wyrazami.

,1 Thin, smooth materiał madę from fibres produced by worms is called s_.

2    The amount of money you have to pay for

something is the p_.

3    Clothes you wear for special occasions, e.g. an exam,

an elegant party, are called s_clothes.

4    A piece of jewellery you wear around your wrist for

decoration is a b_.

5    A shop where you buy medicines, cosmetics, etc. is

a c___

6    The value of the money in one country when you

buy it in another country is the e_ratę.

^ Uzupełnij podane zdania odpowiednią formą wyrazów w nawiasie.

1    Selling and buying drugs is_in Poland.


2    My sister works as a financial_for one

of the biggest corporations. (advice)

3    I wanted to buy this smartphone, but I changed my

mind when I saw how much it cost - it was very -- (price)


4    lt's getting dark - why are you wearing your -? (glass)

5    Unfortunately, the shop assistant we talked to was


6    If you want to talk to the manager, you have to

book an__(appoint)


Napisz podane zdania w stronie biernej, zaczynając od podanego wyrazu.

1 Thejournalists are writing a lot of articles about the conflict at the moment.

A lot of articles about the conflict

2    The customers bought almost all the printers from ourshoplast week.

Almost all the printers_.

3    How much money have we spent this month?

How much money_?

4    They produce a lot of cars in Germany.

A lot of cars_.

5    We are going to launch a new linę of user-friendly laptop computers.

A new linę of user-friendly laptop computers

6 Scientists cannot find the solution to this problem. The solution to this problem_.


Wpisz czasowniki w nawiasie w odpowiedniej formie. Użyj konstrukcji have something done.

1    Mary_when her mobile phone

suddenly rang. (her hair / cut)

2    Shemust__by the teacher.

(her essay / check)

3    What a nice house._lately?

(it / redecorate)

4    l'm surę III get this job. I'm going to

_(my CV / write) by

a professional.

5    l'm sorry -1 cannot help you. You must

_by an IT technician.

(your Computer / repair)

6    |'m planning to open my online shop really soon.

I__(the website / design) at the


___________/ 30 J



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