Grammar Reference, page 104

,V Uzupełni] zdania, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości (a, b lub c).

1 Shesgot pierced ears. She must b them clean.

a)    keeping

b)    keep

x'(x Na podstawie obrazków napisz zdania, używając must lub mustn't.

c) keeps

2    lt's 3 o’clock in the morning. You to bed.

a)    mustn’t go

b)    must go

c)    must

3    He’s running in the sun. He a lot of water.

a)    mustn’t drink

b)    must drink

c)    can't drink

4    Doctor, our baby is very ill. You us!

a)    must help

b)    mustn’t help

c)    help

5    The cat's got plump. It morę weight.

a)    not put on

b)    mustn’t put on

c)    must put on

6    Why a doctor?

a)    must I see

b)    I must see

c)    must see

Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności.

1    mustn't / in / we / mobiles / use / lessons We mustnt use mobiles in lessons.

2    her / do / must / homework / she

3    I / for / late / arrive / exam / mustn’t / the

4    earrings / wear / at / he / mustn’t / school

5    a / must / from / letter / you / bring / parents / your

6    help / teachers / must / students / their

1 you / go in the sun

2 you / stay in the house You mustn ’tgo in tbe sun. You must stay in tbe house.

3    she / use the make-up again

4    she / see her doctor

5    they / take some water

6    they / go without a map


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