

Replacing relative clauses

Language deyelopment 1

► Grammar reference page 175    J

Review of relative clauses

1 Find and correct the mistakes with relative clauses in

the following sentences.

1    A beautiful part of Britain is Wiltshire, where^the ancient monument of Stonehenge. i$/stoun<h

2    Stonehenge is a circle of Stones which datę back over 5,000 veajs,

3    The monumenWnotlsahds of people visit each

year, is 50 metres across.    uJKlcH,

4    The original purpose of the monumentjtnót has not been discovered^might have been for sun worship.

5    June 21", the longest day, is the day when the . *

stones linę up with the rising sun.    O^V Wt

Little is known about the peopl^who built

Stonehenge^>r their beliefe^^y Some of the stones, t^y weignecł were carried over 200 kj^ogiet^es.

up to 3 tonnes,

8 Modern engineers, whe-therrefforts to repeat this achievement have failed, don’t know how the stones were transported.

Words used with relative pronouns

2 Mark the option(s) that can fit in each space. There may be morę than one.

1    The Bermuda Triangle is an area______many ships

and aircraft have disappeared.

A which B in which C where D to which

2    The earliest recorded incident occurred in 1870,

______a thousand people have disappeared there.

A by when B sińce when C at which point D by which time

3    A lot of pilots,........were very experienced, have got

Iost there.

A many of whom B some of which C all of them D whoever

4    Two cases,______have been widely reported, are quite


A all of which B nonc of which C both of which D the result of which

5    Some ships prefer to avoid the Triangle,______they

have much longer joumeys.

A by which time B as a result of which C at which point D in which case

6    Some people believe____they read about such


A anything B everything that C all what D half of which

a In the following sentences, the relative clauses have been ‘reduced’ using a present or past participle clause or an infinitive with to. Re-express them using relalivexląuses.

1    TibetHuuatea oetween China and Nepal, is home to the famous yeti.

2    The yeti is a human-like creature said to live in

3    Peoplelm^i^f^^area say it is a common sight.

4    The first person to catch a yeti will become famous.

b Reduce these relative clauses with an appropriate structure from Exercise 3a.

1    Many years ago, people    walking in the

mountains daimed to have seen a tali, hairy figurę in the distance.

2    However, thejg^as no one wlJjX{£S carrying a camera wfft£e«lld take a photo.

3    A photo of a huge footprint, wtiigł»*4$s taken in 1951, remains the only real evidence.

4    The hunt for the yeti, whicR^wSpje also describe^ as being like a giant bear, continues.

Read the following true story. Then combine the groups of sentences using relative and reduced relative clauses.

(i) Miranda Seymour is a well-known writer. She has written many books. Some of the books are biographies. (2) In 1995, she wrote a book about a poet. The poet was called Robert Graves. He had travelled extensively in Egypt. (3) After the book was published, someone gave her an antique gold ring. The ring had belonged to the poet. (4) She started to wear the ring. At this point, strange things started to happen. (5) Her husband left her. She had been married to him for 14 years. After that, she was burgled. (6) The next thing to happen was that her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Her mother had always been healthy. (7) Then Miranda Iost her teaching job, and finally her tenant left. He had only just moved in. (8) Miranda looked at the ring. She was wearing it on her finger. (9) That very day she gave it away to a museum.

The museum collects objects. They belonged to the poet. (10) Immediately she found a new tenant. He was perfect. (ii) Her mother got better. She hadn’t had cancer after all. (12) On top of this, she got her job back. She had Iost it earlier.

d18 1


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