Yoii usc rhc pii si miii pic to t.UK about a comiilctcd t*\*cni in the pa\t 1 hc unie rclcrcnce is cithwr ^iu-ii or fe elear from thc mMtćatl:
/ my first jitj* m 2004
Dirf \\*ti jurt the jobs that n om applird for laM weck)
in iiarfaCłves. you ofieu usc thc past simph tu talk about rhc key cvents ot the Mory
/ hod my e$r ngM up ugmnsi the Joor fot the thitd mierz u jmł l jotted down tłu ifucstuws and < łtiśfiktrs
Hut is iłu- nioM cornnion contra«tivt |inL Aiosł oj //< oten u nudnie, but ortly u
• C*>> *7 (I
Yrt emphasiws that somethin# f>s SUrpr < ojAmericam thinkgum diouldh.J-gun iniju rship /, ut un ałl-iitne high
You usc rhc past oonunucus to talk about ąn acovity m progres* ąf a ccrtain rime in thc past. You otien usc ii to give the hackground in a iiairaaw;
/ ntis waiting mik ihoihcrs otuside th* inn >. u ?v naw*.
YiHi »iiso usc rhc past continuous to descrihe an action in progres* when anorher action happcncJ:
. }\ w ay thn wg/t, as zve were chatting away. fu c&łtu.' itti
Ybu usc the past perfecf to talk ąfoout an event or acbvity that took place before artother cvent in the past or before ihe u me of thc mam events of the story: fht imcnieic zcas supposed to be :vith a nmn and a ip&miin, bul hi d be en lut Id up in trapu.
You use the past perfecf continuous to show that an aetńin wa> m progres* over a period ot rime
By nu dtm they mtkd nu-. Fd been watting jor ages.
be supposed to / be meant to / be going to Form
IX hen as balanccs rwo contrasung fuch, occur m the ruiddJe ar ai ihe begim \Wutreus men shop out oj mazd ty, u&tnen * / hk< gotng to ptths whereu.s my gniftund ***
/h-spiit. and /// upite pf are U »lfmved hy a thc -/>#*' form of a vCrb ba n»nin C thc phrasc the faa that t suhjcct
Thcy e\press that something happenscitn something elsc makes it seem imiikdy. f^.' the midcile or at thc heginning of a ^tntm
(hil\ ! ' ■ o! aduh regułarl\ do an\ sport de**.
nuijor Mtte.ern ah^ttl t/tć/r fitness In spite; of .'//< ani i-smoking lobby, many +Ujr. He '‘('o the mat eh despitc ihe Jact that hec &
lend to and be morę less likcly to are commcę expressions to exprcs$ tendency:
W omen tend to hc morę wmaniic than men Men are much morę iifoely dian womentoe^
Hory a tendency tmeards - -MU łS ^esstW6piJ usually e\presses an aspcct of behauour or
OUier pt ople ha z e a tendency tawards betą w
I m
1 out of
of staostłcsi
You use rhe mfiniuvc after«, U't expect to arrrz^e ul abo Ih prorntsed not to tell an Somctimes thc vcrbs takc a My parenf i iihuayt encoura Herc are somc vcrbs that u
Without an object agree aim appear canft) afford can't wi intend iearn manag refu se remember s« Sometimes with an obj ask beg choose d want wou Id lifce / iov< Always with an object advise ałlow encou persuade remind te
Vrou can use the infimtive s are usually adjectives expr< possibility, necessity or abi!
I zvas so surprised to see,
Are you ready to leave?
Herc are sonie ad)ectives i infinitive.
amazed anxious crazy delighted r disappointed easi good great hap (un)likely (un)luc pieased proud sad shocked s
out of i 0 said they :*cn haPp.
m thetri
supposed to meont to going to
most tof) ilu1 ma fonty
less f morę than hall (oj;
Onły a rerr few sani they reg
jfi ans di
otds a
r-tied relocatae
You car. USC zroś wen supposed to, zózs z cert: mcant to and rras were going to to talk about an evem or ftituuuon that was intended or predicted, but which didn i happen as pianne J or predicred:
The iniemeiL was supposed to be ipdh a mcm and o momem, kti beli been held up in iraffu.
were meant to takc orf ot 10.30, but ihe flight was late 1 was gotng to pkone you eaHter, but f jusl didn V have ttme.
Vou can use thc foliowing phr jus i under 1 over ncariy roughly getting on for Just over 40°» haz e an
Hcre are some cxantpłt> o? Aecording to the study eest The ituih I research ■ Aecording to the study The surve\' rerealed ind
es for approŁT.
#t Jpprsad
You use thc infinitiv usually nouns cxprt necessity and abilir There '$ no need to \X’hai 5 the be:-1 war Here are some no
chance dec need oepo
You can u The secre* His adi n \ The itHp&rh