ate all the food.4. UL d Dl8 table anri?'ns'
■we «**<■ 25
New Year!' and then we sano ^ 3,1 Said <h|a
c ^ang a SDerial d
t -

* .

’ fOn
/ rrjB .
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Międzynarodowego w szkole Toma. Uzupełnił
tekst właściwymi formami czasowników
podanych w notatkach. Użyj czasu past simple
fifteen studenta / learn about Japan
listen to a famous Japanese story'
, ~^ ^ ul
10.00 / study musie from Japan
o -pHh /O un L% ^ j— / i
prepare Japanese food / sushi
never forget the International Day at my school in
June. There weren'f any lessons and we did activities
in groups about different countries. There were
fifteen students in my group and we learned
Firsł-2....................................... a famous3
It was a warm day and we all
Wyobraź sobie, że twoja szkoła
Oro^ni7..;« n—;__f * * • i
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