0*r plon to pudi <mr ule* in iU firn ycar of <f^rn>*n to bc aNc lo compcnuic ihc fali mitiaf capiul of USS25U.OOO dnukl bc pkmjhcd back otk! * mkl nuteuah/c throuffe cuinmitment. detcrmmatitn and hud tuwi. H*uu-4» daw Hipcntam in aw largct nuftct cooper amn and pr«f>er contact om ihc uięcvd matkei ęjiHipk b> cach mcm Kri of thc icinpan). «<4uaur> laboui nad **pp*i and thc nch Hippły of ra* maicnah *dl dcfinitcly make piali comc tnie. Tłu* km i ran ul itncitmeui doe lo pirnatsn ftitiof Hhmi high j¥ofii rui gin a rai ni* help a k* lo Ł.onpenvoic thc US&2S&000 mit ui Capital
One pnvilcge toputh ma ptidocU to mu Lei U thiiugh ck>»c wuenimamaum a rai dtreit cocktail uith dilerem pnctnmeut aferato a rai ihcit fiogram*. paiiu.ipuu«i in tradc fau* ilrmirh ile help iń tle drfiiitmcnl of Trąd? ind ladutry iDTli: »oiuiufł oni de nam 4 ot hu* in diffctctt comimantie* AsnicialKn. Trade Show* cocfercncct. mccting> ci Puentw Tcachcr* Aitxmiqn iPTAl; adterutcntenit both m prut media and om thc udo and tekvmen. and tltough thc hecnet could alt bc pauMe v>i\\ hi market ma ne** pudncu
lX\tnhun<ti »tll (e dooe on ncckly ba»t*. Thecc dutnburaom <t Mipply for ftcctfcaę actnitic* *tU bc d?favcrcd ai tchonU. coonty mun il or cny hall*. Nupph fer two *cek* *iU be dclncfed and ifcnnbuied in ahm;c fot tcctfcng actj\tlicx Chcque pa) ment* on drUtered Mtarnga Ikut will bc phied up Innu thc comiaclcd m*tiiui»*m one tlucc tfcyn aitn dełitcty of Ile pcuiiHtCuacnlly and «n a Miudl *Łale. *e aic %up(f>tq; Help Ape Kem a * ith 2y400kf per v*cck and4JXKKg lothe local *upefifutkcli>< Yatinand Ukwilat te*pcvuvcly on a uccUy baco. Coupled *iih tchtail feeding propan* in KaN-.it Pnenary Ne hiol. KOWIO Nunery Scbonl etc