
Discussion of Heat and 'Work:, Qua^-static Work; Reversible and Irreversible; Path Dependo^Hej^«pacitiew^diabatic Processes, Vander Wall equation, JJistinction bct\vąe^:Jou|e, Joule-Tliompson and Adiatfc|^x|^^^H^^^^H Second law of Thermodynamics

Insuilteicncy of first law of thermodynamics, Conditic Reyersibility, CarnoPs Engine and Carnofs Cycle, Second thermodynamics, Carnofs Theorem, Thcrmodynamic sc temperaturę and its identity to perfect gas, scalę of temperaturę, cngines in Practice; Steam engine and Diesel engine, Clausius Theorem.


lermodynamics, >, Entropy of Evaluation of iynamics, The

Entropy, Mathematical formulat


ixwell’s eąuation from thermodynamic ith partial derivatives (cooling

Entropy ot the Univen Entropy ch Entropy Cor Applications Thermod) potcntials, Some useful mat in Cl



Paper - II - Geometrical Optics


Principle and refroction (Spherical Surfaces)



:ation to Jcduce

laws of reflecti' Principal foci, L of spherical surface.

ve surface, ns, Aplanatic points


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