peasant, and other families. Includes discussion of dworce and relations between husbands and wives in generał.] [DK651.T966R63 Regenstein bookstacks]

Rouhier-Willoughby, Jeanmarie. Village Values: Negotiating Identity, Gender, and Resistance in Urban Russian Life-Cycle Ritual. Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 2008. 310p. [GT2402.S65 R68 2008 Regenstein bookstacks]

Russian Love Stories: An Anthology of Contemporary Prose. Edited by Nadya L. Peterson. New York: Peter Lang, 2009. 238p. [includes Ulitskaya's "Happy", Rubina's ”Liubka", Shcherbakova's "The Three 'Loves' of Masha Peredreeva", Sadur's :"The Dead Hour", Shcherbakova's "Prime Passed", Muliarova's "Two Days in the Life of Zhenia D."] [PG3286.R893 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Russkie printsessy. E. V. Prokofieva et al., comps. Moskva: Veche, 2009. 367p. [DK37.7R87 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Ruthchild, Rochelle Goldberg. Eąuality & Revolution: Women's Rights in the Russian Empire, 1905-1917. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010. 356p. [HQ1236.5.R8 R88 2010

Schreiber, Hermann. Liebe, Macht, Verbannung: Frauenschicksale im Zarenreich. Gernsbach: Katz, 2009 352p. [DK37.2.S347 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Sem'ia v Rossii i v Moskve v nachale XXI veka: (po rezul'tatam sotsiologicheskikh issledovanii). Moskva: Izd-vo Rossiiskogo gos. sotsiafnogo universiteta, 2008. 215p. [HQ638.2S46 2008 Regenstein bookstacks]

Smetankina-Gudkova, Mariia Vasil'evna. Mat' Nonna: Sestra miloserdiia Rossiiskogo Krasnogo Kresta Lidiia Savel'evna Volkova (1896-1975). Moskva: Russkoe zarubezh'e, 2009. 66p. [BX597.N66 S64 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Smimov, V. N. Zhenshchiny v otechestvennoi istorii: Rol’s zhenshchin v obshchestvenno-politicheskom dvizhenii Rossii XIX nachala XX w. Khar'kov: SAGA, 2009. 378p. [HQ1662.S54 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Sokofskii, Iurii Mironovich. Zhenshchiny na trone: biografii monarkhin'. SPb: Nestor-Istoriia, 2009. I57p. [D107.3 .S67 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Sovremennaia setevaia proza: sbornik. Moskva: Spetskniga, 2009. 256p. [internet prose by Alena Aleksandrovna Amelicheva, Lidiia Romanovna Konovalova,


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