226 Magdalena SYGUDA
The lecture of Julian Moszyński on confinement and a woman in labour included in his book Rady dla matek
In his work Rady dla matek Julian Moszyński described in detail Ihe time of confinement be-ginning with the deliveiy of a cliild and lasting up to eight weeks. The course of confinement was discussed thoroughly, and any possible complications likely to occur at any stage of it were point-ed out. At the same time, however, the attention was paid to the woman in labour, with suggestions on how to tend the newly delivered mother, and sorne practical information on the labour room, the bed and the proper temperaturę. The book also offered useful advice on the woman's proper clothing, sleep and diet, as well as the hygiene of her body by washing and bathing. The author did not forget to mention some hannful superstitions connected with confinement which were com-mon in the Polish people. and discussed many ailments and complaints typical of confinement, pointing out to some popular home ways of treating them.
Kcywords: Julian Moszyński, XIX age, the child-birth, guides, the histoiy of the medicine.
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