I have read about B2C Influencer Marketing where celebrities like the Kardashians mention or recommend certain brands for the money on social media. The sales results of such campaigns have been amazing.
To learn morę about Influencer Marketing I asked some time ago about it from a global gnowth hacker Christian Dillstrom whom I have interviewed a few times in past.
To my surprise, he said there is also a B2B Influencer Marketing. He has been doing it for few years globally and that it has a much bigger effect than B2C Influencer marketing.
Christian told me that he is doing three different types of B2B Influencer Marketing: Investor/VC, B2B VIP Customer and Media/Blogger. I am going to make an interview of each these three types and this is a B2B VIP Customer one.
What is B2B VIP Customer Influencer Marketing?
It is a very effective way to make a wanted group of B2B VIP Customers aware offering of your startup or company.
After all, the biggest problem is that not enough customers know enough about your business or not at all. VIP customer influencer marketing will truły change that!