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What is linguistic analysis? Introductory discussion. Functions and features of a language.

Recapitulation of basie linguistic theories and schools. Revision of the history of linguistics.

The analysis of a basie “meaning/form” or “speech act/system” distinction in a language. Langue and parole division. De Saussure and Malinowskie theories of structuralism and of meaning (structural versus contextual linguistics, a contrastive perspective, basie terms and concepts) Main categories of language 1: phonetics and phonology. Main concepts and ideas. Generative phonology. Prototypes in phonology. Phoneme, morpheme, allophone, allomorph . Some contrasts between British and American English.

Main categories of language 2: grammar. Presentation of main concepts in morphology and syntax. Structuralism - pros and cons. Contrastive analysis - some morę implications.

Main categories of language 3: yocabulary. The analysis of lexical approach to language. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. Metonymy and metaphor in language. Implications for cross-cultural analysis (kinship, taboos, taxonomies etc.)

The situational approach to language. Basic notions of semantics and its role in language acquisition and generał understanding. Cognitive theory of lg acąuisition and use. Pragmatics as linguistic ideology. Differences between semantics and pragmatics. Implications for politeness issues.

The psychology of language - discussion over behaviourism and mentalism. Implications not oni}' for leaming but for the whole philosophy of “reading” the world around.

Social function of language - language as the basie medium of social communication.

The analysis of such concepts as dialect, register, sociolect, status, sentence, utterance andproposition. Linguistic variety of American English or Norwegian dialects as the example of socially, geographically and historically rooted differentiating factors. Linguistic yersus communicatire competence. Generative-transformational grammar of Chomsky as opposed to Hymes’s situational appropriateness of speech acts. Reference to humour and telling jokes.

On the threshold to sociolinguistics - how personal intention, social status and geographical location of interlocutors influence the success of their communication. The notion oifelicity conditions. A discussion based on a freely chosen life-example, preferably with contrastive view. Reference to theories of conveying meaning

Discourse analysis in the light of sociolinguistics. Illocutionary force of the utterance. The notion of presupposition. The definition of speech community based on chosen real life examples

The world of parąlinguistics in the light of pragmatics and semantics.

Overview of basie meta/paralinguistic elements: non-verbal communication. Comparative view.

Error and the mother-tongue - the analysis of linguistic interference in

case of L2 acąuisition. Reference to structural, semantic and social


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