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State Of Israel

Mimstry Of Justicc

Office Of The State Attorney

Department Of International Affairs

Janc 6, 2005 Our ref: 6-98-11

To the Competent Authorities of the Republjc of Poland Re: The Reguest for the Estradition of Salomon Morel

We hereby acknowledge receipt of the Govemment of Poland’s Request for the Extraditton of Sałmon Morel, dated 5 April, 2004. After examimng the Extradition Requesi. and following conversation with our Minister of Justicc, we wish to convey the Ministefs determination that there is no basis whatsoever to


cxrradite Mr Morel.

As we indicated to you in our previous corresponden.ee the charges against Mr. Morel arc barred in fsrael under the relevant statute of hmitations. Nothing in your most rccent suburission changcs this clcmentary fact. Thus, Mr. Morel’s cxtradition is neithcr possible under Israeli law nor rcquired under the Extradition Convention.

Our review of this matter, however compels us to relate to the following factors, which, we must say. lead us to be surprised that the request was ever submitted by Poland.

We thoroughly examined the facts of the case. and considered Morel's personal circumstances and expenencc during World War U and its immediate aftermath. We understand that during the war Mord witnessed the murder of bis parents, brother and sister-in-law by a Polish policc officer Larer. his other brother was also murdered by a Polish Fascist. Morel succeeded in escaping from the Nazis and joined the Partisans.

29 Silah A-Din Sl. F.O.ii. J 087, Jeruzalem. 91010 ,0»*1WVP .1087 1"T\ ,29    'm

Tal: 02 6466686 581 :*V5 Fax: -02 6686287 :Vpo

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