


Wc. ihc pcopk of the United Sutes. in otdcr to fortu a morc pcifcct Union, establish justicc. insure domostw tninquility. providc for tbc commoo de-foow. prnmote the generał welinie, aad secure the bkssing of li berty to ounelves and our portenty do ordain and esublisb lais Coostitctioa for tbc United States of America.

Anicie I

Scction 1 Lcgislativc powers: in wbota YCSted:

Ali legi.slative powers herein granled sball bc vested in a Coogre-ss of the United States, which siali eon sist of a Scr.atc and a House of Represcxratives

Scctioo 2 House of Rcprescntativcs. bow aad by whom ebosen. Oualilicatioos of a Rep reser. tali ve Rcprcscntatr.cs and dircct tam. bow apportioned. Kmirocrntioo. Vacancics to bc fiJicd Power of cbuuun offioeis and of impeachmcot.

1.    Tbc House of Reprcscntatives sball be com-poscd ot memben ebosen every sccond ycar by tbc peoplo of the sevcral stalcs. and the ciec tors in cach State sball have tbe ąualificaiions requisite for clcc-tors of tbc most cumerocs branki of tbc State Leg-islaturc.

2.    No person sball be a Kcprcser.tativc who stall not have attaincd to the age of lwenly-Sve years. and becn scvco years a Citizen of tbc United Sutes. and who shail not. wben ekcicd. bc an inhabit.uu of that Sute in whieb hc shall bc choscn.

3.    keprc«rntativcs and dircct iaxcs shall be appor-(iowd arnoog the scseral States which maybc in-cluded within this Union, isceording to their rcspcc-the nunibcrs. which shall be deiennincd by adding to tbc whotc aumhcr of free person*. including tbose bcrund for servicc for a term of years. and ex-cludir.g Indiaas not taxed. three-Sfths of all other persony. The netu*] cuumcration sball be madę within three years after the fint mecting of tbc Coogitcs of tbe United States, and within evcry subscq-jcnt term of ten years. in such manner as they sball by law dircct. Tbc number of Repie sen-tativcs shall not excede one for cvcry thirty tbousand. but each Stale shall have at least one Rcprcscntatis c; and entil such emimcratioo shall he madę. tbc State of New Ilampshire shall be cotitlcd to choose thnx. Massachusetts cight. Rh ode Ul and and Providence Plantations one. Connecticut fivc. New York six. New Jersey fair. PcncsyKania cight. Delaware one. Maryland six. Virginia ten. North Carolina five. South Caroiina five. and Georgu three.

4.    Whcn vacancies happen in the rcpresentalion from any State, tbc Exccutive Aothority tbcreof shall ism writs of clcctioo to 311 such vacancies.

5.    The House of Representativcs shall choose their Speaker and other offkcrs: and shall have the sole power of unpeachment


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