


Wc. ihc pcopk of the United Sute*, in order to form a morc pcrfcct Union. csiablish jrnticc. insurc ilorr.cMic txuiiquility. providc for tbc commoo tiofen*;. prnmote the generał wdfuc. and secure thi blcssing of liberty to cxirs*Jvcs and our purtenty do ordain and etublisb lais Coostitntioa for tbc United States of America.

Anicie 1

Scction 1 Lcgislativc powers: in whom vc*ted:

Ali legislatise powers herein granted duli bc vcstcd in a Coogress of the United States, which Ut»U eon-sist of a Scrutc and a House of Reprcscntatives.

Scction 2 House of Rcprescnutives. how and by whom ebosen. Oualificadoos of a Rcprtsenutive. Kcpccicnuńscs and direct tuce*. how apportkned. Kmimcration. Vacancics to bc fillcd. Power of chondn officers and of impeachmeot

1.    Tbc House of Represenutivei duli be com* poscd ot mcm bers ebosen every sccoad year by tbc pcoplc of the sesrral States, and che clcctcrs in cacb State sfaall have the ąualificałion* raj iisitc for elec-tors of tbc most numerous branch of tbe Sute Leg* islaturc.

2.    No person shall be a Kcprcscr.tativc who shall not have atuined to tbe age of twenty-Sve year*. and becn scvcn ycars a Citizen of the United Sute*, and who shall not. wben clcctcd. bc an inhabitant of that Sute in which hc shall bc ebosen.

3.    Kcpresentatwcs and dircct iaxcs shall be appor-(ioned amoog the scvcral States which maybc in-cluded within tbis Union, nceording to their rcspcc-the mmi hen. which shall be determincd by adding to tbe wbotc number of free person*, including tbosc bound for tetvice for a term of yean. and ex-cludir.g Indians not taxcd. thrce-fifths of all other person*. Tbc nctual cnnmcratioc shall be madę within three yean after tbe fint moeting of tbc Congrcss of the United States, and within every subscqucnt term of ten years. in such manner as they shall by law dircct. Tbc number of Reptesea-taiivcs shall not excede one for cvery thirty tbousand. but cach State shall liave at least one Rcprcscnutńc; and uatil such eoumeration shall be madę. the State of New Ilanpshirc shall be cotitlcd to choose three. Massachusetts cigbi. Rh ode Island and Providenuj Plantations one. Connecticut fivc. New York six. New Jersey four. PencsyK ama eighl. Delaware one. Maryland six. Vuginia ten. Korth Caiolina five. South Caroima fivc. and Georgia three.

4.    Wben vacaacies happen in the reprerentation from any State, the Exccutivc Aotbority tbereof shall issnc writs of clcction to fili such vacinc.cs.

5.    The House of Rcpresenutivcs shall chor*e their Speaker and other officers: and shall have the sole po**.- of impeachment


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