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ZA/20)3/00033/SA!W-A\’B_4679 Matrńt ID S9

IWE - International WcWing Enginccr Part 1*3, PartO

South Africa Engltth (South Afrłca)

£xam Cencrated by: Chief Exccutivc


Duro tfon of the CKomi 30:00 minutce

Time ćłlocated to answer eoch que$bcn:

1:20 minutes

) Bcfore starttng the examinatioo p/eose reod carefofly (be beto*/ łnformatłon.

i)    For this mułUpte chołce wniton axaminationt tor any ąuctnon the correct answar can ba: One (l) answer, Two (2) answers, Three (3) answers or Four (4) answers.

ii)    In tems of exam scoring a!) quesl\ons bas Ihe same scortng vatoe.

v) When a ts markeri a wronę answer(s) rn a certaln ouestion, (be wroną answer wM tfetfi/cr a correct snswer(s) on (te \*me guesnon.

v) Wroną answar(s) markccf in <i certom ęueston wift not deduct a correct answe/fs) »n snother questron.

Subjoct: 3.2 Fundamentals of the strength of ma tar i aft


Qi/estion M° 1/23 498 - The moment of mertia of a secti

1    • benćmg moment

2    - oeflectlon in benoing -

3    • bendlng stress

4    - t!ie Ml plastic moment

Module 3 - Constructłon .ind design

is usqd in calculaung:

£>- fil


Questioo ti° 2/23

16264 . wnat ts/aro tlur wtldod /xnt w tti thn highoct ttrangth agmatt M and My witnm the 4 otions on the drawłng7

2 .


2    - B

3    • C

4    - D

Subjoct: 3.3 Woldod Joint Design

QocStron H* 3/23

11294 - Which are (is) correct answers m designing of weWmg structur* 7


http://exams.ewf.be/exams_management/janela/primexaml_l .asp?id_lingua=35


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