mr-c- sia &£
Con. 2156-10.
(2 Hours)
[ Total Marks : 60
N.B. (1) Start answer to every question on a tresh page
(2) Ali questions in Sectlon I are compulsory.
(3) Answer any three questions from Section II.
Section I
1. Exolain the following concepts
Jar Pro-active Personality Jb) Techno-economic Feasibility Study Risk Taking
$)- Corporate Entrepreneurs , je^lntrapreneur.
2 Young Women's Association have organized a seminar to educate the f'esh graduates 20 on the career options avai!able to therr. You are the President ol Mumbai Chamber oł Entrepreneurs and you are invited to talk to a group of about 400 graduates waiting to enter the world of work. You are expected to give a motivating speech on "Entrepreneurship - a Favorable Career for Young Women.* Draft an appropnate speech for tho occasion.
Section II
3. Wha! are the distinguishing quallties of successful entrepreneurs ? Highlight tnosc 10 quaiities with special refetence to some entrepreneurs of your choice.
Examine the rolo of entrepreneur as an lnnovator. What according to you is the 10 importance of mnovation in the presert business environment 2
y^What is meant by 'Business Plan' ? Give the format of a Business P an for a 10 manufacturing anterprise. What care an entrepreneur need to take to develop a good 8usiness Plan ?
6. Wnte a detailed notę on ‘Entrepreneurship Devetopment Program* with special reference 10 to Kakinada Experiment. Wha! is meant by ‘Achievement Motivation‘ ?
7. Write short notes (any two)10
vj£> Manager versus Entrepreneur (b) Challongos before an Entrepreneur Rural Entrepreneur