Con. 9561-13.
(New Course)
(2 Hours)
(Total Marks : 60
(For regular student* admitted in Academic year 2013-14)
N.B.: (1) Attempt all qucstions.
(2) Each ąucstion carrics 15 marks.
(3) Sub questions woutd carry equaJ marka (duły approximalcd wherc requircd ) unless indicatcd to thc contrnry to thcir extreme rigbt.
(4) Workings / Refereoces to statutc/standards etc. (not neccessary with refctcncc Nos.) to form part of the Solutions.
I. (a) The foltowing is the account of Mr. Vijay in the books of Poonawala Bros.:- 10
VTjay't A/c
Datę |
Particulars |
Amout r |
Dale |
Particulars |
Amcunt r |
2012 Jan. 1 |
To Balance b/d |
12.000 |
2012 Jan. 1 |
By Bills Reccivable |
8.000 |
May 20 |
To Salcs |
10,000 |
Jan. 1 |
By Salcs Return |
2,000 |
Scpt. 10 |
To Bills Rcccivable |
5.000 |
Jan. 1 |
By Bank |
1.900 |
Sept. 10 |
To Interest |
1.000 |
Jan.l |
By Discount |
100 |
Scpt. 10 |
To Salcs |
14,000 |
Junc 10 |
By Bank |
4,700 |
Dec. 10 |
To Bills Rcccisablc |
16.000 |
Junc 10 |
By Discount |
300 |
Dcc. 10 |
To Interest |
800 |
Junc 10 |
By Bills Rcccivable |
5,000 |
Dec. 15 |
ToSales |
10.000 |
Scpt. 10 |
By Bank |
4.000 |
68.800 |
Scpt. 10 Dec. 15 Dec. 31 |
By Bills Rcceivable By Bank By Balance c/fd. |
16.000 16.800 10.000 68,800 |
Scrutinisc and intcrpret thc above account.
(b) As the Statutoey Auditor of company. State bow would you dcal with / rcspond to l 5 commeot on the followingsituation :-
Santosh Ltd.. a smali company has its registercd office in Chcnnai. During thc year it has shifted its corporatc head office to Banglorc, though it has rctained thc registercd oflice in Chennai. The Managing Dircctor is the company want* to shiń the books of accounts to Banglorc from Chennai. He thinks that therc is no need to comply with any legał formalities for doing so.
Express your opinion for the same.