o Draw
A ty pi cal łatrytale princou Uvm in a land fnr far away m a bcautiful pałace Sha wun itunntng go*ru drippuig witb duunontL and tparkhng Uarai tn hor hau w hen thw attcnJi magtcal balii. A fnirytalc pnncau u botb a barwne and da miel In dlitrou who li oftmn reteued by a handiome pnnee on a porę wbito bono.
Sho V alwayt livo happily ewr aftorl
Before you begin
PACT —y In the 19thcentury, a BrKah wom»n cUimed ihe wat Pnnee Cutboo' Sbe pfetended to be royalty bom an e*otk uland, bdnapped by paralel She tpoke i made-up lanfuage and drrwed itrangely bot wat e»poved at»fraud
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