Shhh' Be qu:ct! Can you scc a big cal? ttfe arc on a photograpbic safari ii) Kcnya. We are lookmg for one of Africas big Fivr' - the lion. Click.' Show me what you ve got. 1 {a ha'. Ifs a photo ofour safari guide s hat.

It isn't casy to ńnd the king of aJł animals. 7herc arc only 2,500 of thcsc heautiful big cats in Kcnya. It s a very snuli number. and it is gelting smaller.

Ihe Alrican grassland is the natura! territory ofliom. 'Ihe bon is the king iłierc. But morę and morę pcoplc co mc to the lions territory. 1‘eople build viliages and kecp their farm animals therc. The grassland is the onJy place pcoplc can go to ńnd somewhere to Jtve. Now pcoplc and uimis in Kcnya musi be close neighbotirs


Sonic pcoplc kill lions in Africa. They dont do it for fun. They do it to protecł their farm animals. likc cows. Annę Kem laylor, a National Cicograpliic cxplorer, bas an idea how to savc the cows and lions.

Taylor meets the Maasai pcoplc.

They Iivc in rillages in Kcnya and want to protcct their cows. Lions kill animals ał night. F.very timc a lion kills a cow the Maasai are sad. A cow for the Maasai is like money in a bank for you. Whcn they buy things, they pay with the cow.

It is easy for a lion to catch a cow. The Maasai people kecp t)ie farm animals in a yard. Thea* is a fence around it. Big cats jump ovcr the lence. A lion can lali a cow in less than a minuto. The cow can i run away.



20 tysięc


Taylors plan scparatc the

knows that the animals ap.irt. tali. Taylor bas an wire high around Ihe new fcnee tali. Lions cant jump it. It separates the hun’ lions front the cows. > the Maasai pcoplc dont’ losc their cows and t! lions dont lose their lives. Lions havc to catch antelopcs and zebras instead. Ihe balance n i v. tean naturę is back.


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