THURSDAY (16.11.2017)
9.00- 10.CO
Jerone de GROOT (The Unrversity of Manchester)
Experimentatk>n and the Historical Novd
10.00- 1100
Małgorzata SUGIERA (Jagiellonian Jn versity)
Other Stones: Experimental Formsof Historying
Mateusz CHABERSKI (Jagieł on an Unive?s.:ty)
Quieksil vcr, Confusion and the System of the World.
Counterfactuals and Earty Modem Assembtages
12.00- 1230 Coffee Break
12.30- 1330
Piotr UR3ANOWICZ (Jagle ooian Uniws ty)
Romantic Conspiracy Theories. Media-Machines
and the Crises of Representation in the 19thand 21 st Centurics
13.30- 1430
<crrad WOJNOWSłC (Jagiellonian Unhnersity)
Simulational Realism: Playing as Trying to Remember
16.30- 1830 Counterfactual Strategies in Theatre Practice (Part I)
7he RepMśc SSorcna. On the 25th AnniwnoryołSforenłart independence (co-p’oc*jction: Słoweńsko Mladinsko Gledalitee and Maska Ljubljana. 2016): fragment* of vdeo-*egistraton and meeting with Janez Jania, a co-creater of the production. Moderatiort Anna R. Buczyńska
FRIDAY 117.11.2017)
9.00- 10.30
Mark DONNELLY (St Mary's Univervty. Twickenhan\ London)
Liberating Histories, Repossessing Pasts Ca 'e NORTON (St Mary's Unsve*s ty.Tu/ckenhanv London)
Constructing the "Facts on the Ground": Per for mances of (Neo)Colonial Archaeołogical and Architectural Spatialities
10.30- 1130
Wiktoria WOJF^RA (The Institute of Art of the ^o sh Academy of Sciences in Warsaw)
In Defence of Lost Causes: Counterfactual Strategies in the Theatrical Biographies
11.30- 1230
Oga GRZi J\< (Jagiellonian Uniwsity)
Theatre Photography as a Counterfactual Representation of Aesthetk Realrty
The wodcshop li organiied wtthin the framework of the BEETHOVEN project Ptrformonca af Memory: Testimonkat Recomtructirt and Counterfactual Strategia in UttrotureondPtrformothtArti of the 20th and 2U\ Centuria, funded by the Pollsh National Science Centre (NCN) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) (UMO-2014/1S/G/ HS2AM803).
12.30- 1300 Coffee Break
13.00- 1400
Mateusz 30ROWSKJ (Jagiellon tan Unive?s.:ty)
Who's Been to the Moon? Other Histories of Space Flight
14.00- 1500
A**ac usz 30ŁT0RA< (Jag ę onan University)
History as an April Fools Joke. Memory and Reality Effects in Rabih Mroue*s Performances
17.00- 1900 Counterfactual StrategiesinTheatre Practice (Part II]
MS 101 {yiceo-performance, 2012):screening anc meethg with Ka*ol Padziszewski (c *ecto')and Wojcecn Szymański (SCriptwriter)