Language and Culture - Literaturę and History - Religion and Philosophy
5-6th, May 2016
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland Jfcli $4*Pt*#
Goal !♦**»
This confcrence aims to hołd discourses on the contributions of sinologists from Central Europę to the study of Chincsc culture. linguistics, religion, philosophy, literaturę and history. Scholars from Europę and Taiwan will contribute to this confcrence in order to cnrich the acadcmic cxchangc in the field of Sinology.
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Panels I ** *
Sinological Studies in Central Europę 1 (Bk# *1) Sinological Studies in Central Europę II (*ł» )
Language and Culture ( ££ t $ & ffc )
Literaturę and History ( £ )
Religion and Philosophy ( )
Organizers I
Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
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Monumenia Serica Institute, Sanki Augustin, Germany Center for Chinese Studies, National Central Library, Taiwan
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The Institute of Oricntal Studies at Faculty of Philology of Jagiellonian University, Kraków Poland
Co-organizer I Graduatc Institute of Cross-Culture Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University,
Contact us I sinology.in.europe@gmaiI.com
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