HR Expert wlth excellenl knowledge of labour law, remunełatlon Systems, perki, social fur>d and employment relations, expenenced in multinational erwironment.
Morę than 10 years of experience at HR area
Excellent knowledge of HR processes
Very wali acquainted with huge multinational companies
Outstanding interpersonal skills proven in several HR projects Proficiency m English
Solution (Poland) - 201 o Ongotng + Katonie* mam focal pomt fot employees as regsrds .VI l IR r elated ąoenes coopefatwn with manapsrs m sofnng dtfetent I Ift tssues cn a dały basts respoosibfefor al administratur peocesses(from hnng tofarewet; mc fading the drr«Hy and correct dccument woetfow: coopcratron wlth othcr utctnalinrts!
cicatmg and mplcmcntng intcrrul rcgulatlcns wrthln bbour law rcspooslbtc fot the bcocłit system for wnployecs HR r«poitt
Bank ~ 2012-201$ . totemie*
Compcfisaticei & Bciłcfits Team
RcgUatory /Ocerplrancc tmpfcmcntatlcn of Łurcpcan and Pdish
regulatlons as rcgitds the yanafcic i emiratatlon «i the banking scctoi,
uąm v*icn cne i the obun-anc* and cori*<t frrancitwg thataoł
cooparatron wlth the irriti ot as regirdi thi> ccmplunc* oi the
iniemal compansation regiiUtictyi w tli tlsow <A tht
int*« nat>or»l autgCTienls and (Mtigim employmenl
cooperatron in the prepoiabwi ot the compuhory drsekrsures ter tire rtw«M
regat ding the compenaation
remunetation and motivatkm system*
long- «yl short-tetm ineenłwe programie*-* *ervking
creating and setne ing of benefits Ihealth care. empkryet penson seheme,
Hjppcłl in crcabrg cf |ob dnenptons and |cb ccaluabcrr tradting of market tenckncres as legaids compensaticn and benefits
Bank - 203S 2012 » Katowice
Emplojwetit Policy and lafeout Condltkms leatn
ptepotaben and impfementatron of personV data protectron Solutions in I IR ptocesses: cooperatwn wtth the inrts in thts respect
pteparabcoandimpfemenlatrco of scfubcnsfot wctkrrg patent* supctnsrcn coec the correct applicabcn cf the tempetary |cf) ptovBkv» seppoft in I atest l>w applcaton
nesponsibility. independence, accountability
excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills
perfect organisation of work
outstanding written and verbal commumcation skills
Humań Resources Management -postgraduate studies
Warsaw School of Economics
- 2002-2C01 * Warsów
International Political and Economic Relations - MA
Warsaw School of Economics
- 1990 - 2OTO . Warsaw
English |
Profkient |
French |
Inter mediate |
Portuguese |
Bcglnocf |
ncn-hctKM SI*I pnptiar (dane* litaratui*
giullfwcl actto* yoga t*ach«r sports
running, twinurtiyg Ute ndng