functions of any angle. Trigonometric circle. Trigonometric identities and reduction formulas. Trigonometric equations and inequalities.

3. Sequences of real numbers. Arithmetic and geometrie sequences. Finite and infinite limit of a sequence. The number e. Calculation of simple limits. Finite and infinite limit of a function at a point. Heine definition


4. One-sided limits. Limits at infinity. Methods of calculation of limits. Indeterminate expressions. Asymptotes. Continuity of a function at a point and on an interval. Discontinuity points and their classification.


5. Derivative of a function at a point. Calculation of derivatives of basie elementary functions. Differentiation formulas. One-sided and infinite derivatives. Higher order derivatives. Geometrie interpretation of a derivative. Tangent linę.


6. Ratę of change. Differentials and their applications. Approximate solution of equations. L’Hospital rule. Power and exponential functions and their derivatives. Exponential equations and inequalities.


7. Injective functions. Inverse function and its derivative. Logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions and their derivatives. Logarithmic equations and inequalities.


8. Intervals of monotonicity of a function. Local extremes. Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of local extremes. Examination of a function. Maximum and minimum values of a function on a set. Applications to geometry, physics and technics.


9. Indefinite integrals, definition and basie properties. Integration by parts. Integration by substitution. Integration of rational functions.


• Classes

Contents of particular hours

Number of hours

1. Exercises illustrating the materiał presented during the lectures.


• Basic literaturę

1.    G. Decewicz, W. Żakowski, Matematyka. Cz. 1, WNT, Warszawa 1991._

2.    M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory. Oficyna

Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2002._

3.    M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 1. Przykłady i zadania. Oficyna

Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2002._

4.    W. Krysicki, L. Włodarski, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach. Cz. I, PWN, Warszawa


• Additional literaturę

1.    M. Fichtenholz, Rachunek różniczkowy i całkowy. T. I,II, PWN, Warszawa 1995._

2.    M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Oprać. Analiza matematyczna 1. Kolokwia i egzaminy. GiS,

Wrocław 2002._

3.    R. Leitner, Zarys matematyki wyższej dla studiów technicznych. Cz. 1, 2 WTN, Warszawa


4.    F. Leja, Rachunek różniczkowy i całkowy ze wstępem do równań różniczkowych. PWN,

Warszawa 1977._

5.    H. i J. Musielakowie, Analiza matematyczna, T. I, cz. 1 i 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM,


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