The 12,h International Congress on Nursing Informatics June 21 - 25, 2014

Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (T1CC), Taipei, Taiwan

Cali for Submissions

http //conference us sinica edu tw/Conference-Subrmssion/servlet/S>gnlnHandler

Important Datę

Online Submission System Open:

Pre-submission Deadlines for Authors that need language support: Deadline for Submiss«on:

June 01,2013 (23:S9, GMT+8) August 31. 2013 (23:59. GMT*8) September 15,2013 (23:59. GMT*8)

East meets West: eSMART*


♦Health    uCare Safely

Organiied by.

Co-Organiied by:


Congress Secretariat: Ms. Shaan Hsieh / Teł: +886-2-8502-7087 ext. 13 / ni2014@elitepco.com.tw


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