Lynn, Aurora Rose Double the Djinn (Silk's Vault) (pdf)

1 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
Double the Djinn
Aurora Rose Lynn
2 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
A Silk s Vault Electronic Publication, in arrangement with author Aurora Rose
Copyright © 2005 by Aurora Rose Lynn.
Cover Design and Art by Carmel St. James, © Copyright 2005
Edited by Carol Fortado
Silk s Vault Publishing
Silk s Vault Publishing
Silk s Vault Publishing
Silk s Vault Publishing
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in
any form or by any means, without permission from both the author and publisher.
All characters, incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are
fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly
3 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
Lydia needed a little something to brighten her day. She didn t need much. After all, a
thousand year old sorceress rarely needed anything outrageously special. At least, that s
what she liked to think.
She toyed with an elegant, long-necked bottle of French perfume she had received
from an admirer three hundred years ago in the deliciously decadent times when the Sun
King, Louis XIV, ruled France and Louise de ValliƁr ruled his palace as his favorite
mistress. Yes, those had been the days of pampered luxury, when a woman had been
treated as if she was breakable crystal.
Lydia looked down from her tenth floor apartment at the small cars racing by like
swarming ants. She sighed, a deep susurration of longing. After the old king had died, she
had moved on as best she could. Today, the cars moved too fast, the young generation
was impudent and callous, life had dizzily speeded up and true luxury a la Louis XIV
style was unheard of. Lydia yearned to hear the rustle of silk trailing along marble floors,
to set her sparkling green eyes on the marvelous chandeliers and paintings only the
French masters had creatively dreamed up. Day to day existence was so tasteless and
artless now.
She sighed again as she lifted the bottle, a rich, powdery blue color to eye level. She
had delayed opening this treasure for centuries, knowing the scent rising from within
would make her even more melancholy for a time that was long gone. She sensuously
traced an enameled finger down its side. Would the fragrance remind her of sweet pink
roses or perhaps a heavier scent of a man s musky cologne? No matter. She would enjoy
every drop while the aroma lasted.
Deliberately, she began to pull the stopper out. Her heart beat faster. What had her life
4 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
come to if taking a sniff of perfume was all she had to look forward to? Anticipation rose
within her like a rosebud unfurling its satiny petals one by one. Slowly, she lifted the
stopper up and out of the bottle, brown cork rising from shimmering blue crystal.
Her heart sank. She smelled nothing. Not the heady scent of flowers or the fragrance
of exquisite French perfume. Her face lingered over the opening, her nose close to the
 Why don t your get your nose out of there so I can get out?
Lydia jumped back, almost dropping the precious container. Who had spoken with a
voice as smooth as fifty-year-old whiskey?
A mist swirled around the rim of the bottle. Astonished, she held it at arm s length,
watching as a vapor cloud twisted and turned and shaped itself into a man.
Not just any man. A startlingly, irresistibly naked man with bronzed skin and ridged
muscles across his chest. A veritable Adonis; a true French masterpiece. Lydia held her
breath in awe of the male feast, every inch of the six feet standing before her.  What in
goddess name? she finally managed.
 Surprised you, huh? I thought you would never open up my prison. His voice was
like cool water burning down a parched throat. He took the crystal from her hands and set
it on a nearby end table.
 How did you get here? Lydia asked, disbelieving her eyes. Her ability to create
magical spells gave her no clue as to how a gorgeously shaped man could puff like smoke
in a chimney from an aged bottle that hadn t been opened in three centuries. The modern
world couldn t see the kind of ethereal magic she practiced, refused to accept as true its
very existence. Unexpectedly, she came to the sad conclusion that she viewed her magic
5 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
in a skeptical light. The realization crept up on her, hitting with such force she almost
collapsed at the magical being s feet. She steadied herself.
 You re the sorceress. Don t you have the answers? the being asked, raising thick,
golden eyebrows in the kind of inquisitive frown a minor Greek god might deign to
bestow on some miserable, pleading peasant.
 Now that you mention it, and at my age, I should have all the answers to life but I
don t, she replied with a great deal of reluctant sarcasm. Who was this stranger to
question her?
Grinning audaciously, the man shrugged.  That s why I m here.
She couldn t help her eyes straying down to his crotch. He was well hung, to use a
modern phrase. The beauty of his male form also reminded her that it had been quite
some time since she had enjoyed being with a man. Simply because a woman was a
thousand years old, didn t mean she had to do without sex.
 Haven t seen a real man in a while, eh? he responded, apparently amused.  You ve
been missing a thing or two.
Lydia felt an uncharacteristic blush heat her cheeks. Anger flared up at the
unwelcome intrusion into her life.
And desire.  Whoever you are, I want you to leave right this instant. She wanted this
stranger to leave, yet she wanted him to stay, to kiss her, to climb with her to the peaks of
rapture. Her body reacted eagerly. Her nipples sharpened into hardened, painful peaks.
 Could hardly do that. I ve waited too long to get out of that damned thing. Guess I
couldn t have dreamed up a prettier sight to set my sore eyes on. The man folded his
arms across his chest, revealing strapping biceps which would put a weightlifter to shame.
6 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
His hair, a golden brown with hints of sunshine, curled low across his shoulders.
 How can anyone get in a bottle? Lydia demanded, unable to fathom how a tall man
could squeeze into a ten inch square bottle. One moment she had been alone, the next she
had the company of a wickedly nude man.
She was getting hot. Dampness seeped between her legs.  Only a few practice magic,
and only a rare few can practice to that extent.
 To what extent?
 To put a man in a bottle.
The man shrugged again.  Look, Sorceress Lydia. Make your wish so we can get this
over with and I can get out of here.
Hostile creature, she thought.  What s this about a wish? Don t I get three wishes?
Wasn t three the normal number of wishes a Djinn granted?
 I would think a stunning woman like you would ask what my name is first. How
 Rude? she countered.  You barge into my home, uninvited I might add, and you
want me to ask your name? Preposterous.
 Typical French dame, the man muttered.  Try to do her a favor and what do I get?
A mouthful, but you do have a pretty French accent.
 You re not doing me any favors by breaking into my house, Lydia retorted. Her
sorcery spells weren t the kind where she could just close her eyes, snap her heels and
suddenly her wish was her command. They had been years ago, before she found herself
living in a world of so-called enlightenment. The spells were the kind that took laborious
7 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
preparation, like slow, rousing lovemaking. There she was again, thinking about sex.
 Can we just get this over with? What is your wish? Make it snappy. It s not like I
have another three hundred years to waste.
 Of all the ill-tempered people I ve ever met.
 Not that you met a whole lot.
Lydia agreed. Most people tended to stay clear of her if they sensed she practiced
magic  much like they steered away from witches even though they looked the same as
everyone else.  What is your name any way?
 Amas. I d be gone in a flash before you could evoke your magic.
 Why don t you leave in a flash now, since you re not welcome here?
 I d say we both know that s not true. If nothing else, you want a man to make love to
you. Why not make that your wish? I need a bit of release too, after being cooped up for
so long.
Lydia hissed in a sharp breath. She couldn t deny what he said. But she was a
sorceress and had her own ways of relieving the itch. Not that she had used a spell in a
while.  Men don t spirit themselves from bottles.
 Why don t you use your sorceress powers to see if I m real or not? His eyes, a deep
chestnut color, challenged her. Powerful energy radiated from him as he shifted and
cracked his knuckles.
She couldn t take her eyes from him. Lydia would never have thought she could stay
in the same room with a nude man she hadn t taken the time to acquaint herself with in a
platonic sense. What could she reply to his dare?  I m over a thousand years old. Don t
mess with me.
8 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
Amas stared for several moments before he burst out laughing.  I m over three
thousand years old. So there.
 My magic is more powerful than yours. One thing Lydia couldn t stand was being
shown up. She had to be the winner, no matter how small a battle she fought.
 Really? Amas did something with his eyebrows.
A cool breeze passed over Lydia s ass. She looked down at herself. Where moments
earlier she had been wearing a blue velvet dress, now she wore nothing.  My clothes are
gone! she cried out.
 Yup. They sure are. So show me your magic.
Always having been self-conscious about her nudity, Lydia wanted desperately to
cover herself. But how ineffectual were two hands covering her pubic area? And what
would she do with her breasts? Two hands couldn t begin to cover the soft globes.  My
magic is more powerful, she croaked out.  It takes longer to create so it s more
 Yeah, yeah. Right.
Before she knew what had happened, she was on her back on her bed with the man
kneeling over her.
 You have your wish, sorceress. Even you, with all the power you claim to have, can t
create the magic of a man and woman sharing their bodies.
 Get off me or I ll spell you out of existence.
He shrugged carelessly.  Go ahead. Give it a whirl. If you can. He did that little
something to his eyebrows and they were no longer in her room but on a sandy beach
with waving palm trees overhead. The waves of a deep blue ocean lapped close to their
9 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
bodies and the heat from the late afternoon sun washed over her comfortingly.  Just you
and me now, he said in a matter of fact tone.
To her horror, her legs were spread wide and the wind fanned her hardened clit. She
waved a hand at Amas dismissively. She should have been embarrassed, but she found
herself reveling in his gaze.  Okay. So what do you want?
 I want to hear you make a wish so I can get on with my life. You know? The one
I ve wasted for three hundred years in that cheap bottle of so-called perfume.
 Cheap? Lydia asked, beside herself with anger.  How dare you call my precious
perfume cheap.
 What did you think was in there? Eau de roses? Or what about eau de lilacs?
 Dammit! I spent all those years dreaming about opening that perfume at the right
moment. What would you know about it?
 That I wasted all those years trapped in there. I would have been better off doing
what I do best.
 What s that?
 Giving pleasure.
Lydia s anger immediately dissipated, tickled at the suggestion. How could his large
hands delight her, smooth over her sensitized skin?  If you could get in, then you could
get out, she managed in a whisper.
 That s the one thing djinns can t do. Once they re locked up by the Being, they can t
get out. It s a law or something.
 A law of what? Djinns? She gazed into his eyes, fascinated by the fact she had
finally met a djinn, the stuff of legends, even in the opinion of a seasoned sorceress. A
10 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
djinn could snap his fingers and transport himself anywhere, even into another dimension,
but a sorceress was limited to working with the physical properties of nature, or the planet
she had been born on.
 We re to give unconditional pleasure. It is not for us to deny our destiny.
 Hard to imagine, she muttered. Especially with a golden body like his. Every
muscle was sculpted to perfection, every line hard and lean. Against her better sense, she
reached out and touched his cheek.
He grinned.  Like what you feel?
 Did you really spend those years in that little bottle? Her fingers lingered against his
cheek and against the light beard growth on his rugged jaw. She couldn t imagine
spending such a vast chunk of time imprisoned in such a small space.
 Yeah. What bugged the hell out of me was I had no female companionship.
 Couldn t you create a woman for yourself?
 Why would I do that when the woman of my dreams is outside?
 Djinns dream about women? She gazed down at his magnificent body and gawked
unabashedly at his pulsing cock.
 Sure. Your voice with its low, sexy timbre drove me wild. But now that I ve seen
every luscious inch of you, I don t have to dream about you anymore.
Lydia found herself thrilled to her feminine soul by his statement.  I don t believe
you re talking about me.
He nodded.  I feel I ve always known you.
 That is a come on line. You have no idea what I m about. She angled a fingertip
along his shoulder blade and down his strong arm. Her thoughts whirled in a maelstrom.
11 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
Should she make love to this hunk, even if he was a djinn, or should she order him to take
her back to her apartment?
 Hey. I couldn t help eavesdropping on your conversations. I have to admit that after
a few years, I got to know you. That plus the fact you talk a lot when you re alone. He
chuckled.  I know your secrets too.
 You still want to know my wish? she asked. If he knew all her secrets, imagine the
torment he could put her through. Interestingly, she didn t fear him as she would have
other beings that practiced magic.
 After we make love.
She batted a fist at his shoulder.  Who said I would? That was a blatant lie. Her body
demanded his touch, his cock sliding inside her and filling her.
He chuckled.  I did. It s a djinn s way of making amends.
 For what?
 For listening to three hundred years of secrets.
Lydia suddenly felt at a disadvantage.  You know everything about me then. I took
that bottle everywhere I moved.
 Ah yes. Through the turmoil of the French Revolution, to the courts of England, to
the new America and even to Russia for a few years. What did you find there except bitter
She felt the sudden need to defend herself.  St. Petersburg isn t that bad if you wrap
yourself up against the cold in furs.
Amas nodded.  What made you move there? I couldn t turn the heat high enough in
the bottle.
12 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
This time Lydia laughed.  I had no idea you were in there.
He sniffed the air and tilted his face to the late morning sun.  Ah, the beauty of
Bermuda. The sun, the warmth, the natural surroundings.
 Is that where we are?
 Yes, ma petite. The cold seeped into my bones in old Russia. I m glad you didn t
want to stay your usual twenty years. I d have frozen to death, he exclaimed.
She swallowed; glad she had only stayed ten years. The Russian Revolution, not the
harsh winters, had brought her visit to an end. His magnificence made her want to merge
herself with him, to touch his rock hard penis and lose herself in the magic of
lovemaking. Nothing else mattered.
With a trace of shyness, she reached out and settled her palm against his erection, felt
the throbbing within the blue veins. Stroking her finger along the length of his shaft, she
edged her thumb against the cap glistening with pre-come.
He moaned, a low, guttural sound torn from deep within.  You may not have any real
magic, he murmured,  but you have a way with your fingers and the way you look at me.
Sultry and hot.
 And mesmerizing, she whispered, fixing her gaze on his cock. What had he meant,
she didn t have any real magic? She had the delicious sensation of feather light hands
roaming up and down her body, beginning at her arms, rounding to her waist, down the
crest of her thighs. However, those hands never touched the sensitive, yearning peaks of
her breasts or traveled too close to her pussy. The caresses left her hot and hungry and
wanting him on and in her.
Lydia was so engrossed in feasting her senses on his throbbing erection, she belatedly
13 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
realized that his hands rested at his sides. How was that possible when she distinctly felt
his hands roving over her body? She sighed dreamily, lost to her surroundings, lost to
everything but the djinn s touch. His eyes, orbs of penetrating brown, lingered on her
face. Their eyes met and held.
 How do you do that? she whispered, certain his hands were teasing her beyond her
wildest fantasy, driving her to the brink of sexual madness where reason was swept into a
small corner of her mind.
 Do what? he seemed to taunt her.
 I feel your hands all over me, yet they re not moving, she replied breathlessly. Her
hands were suddenly immobile at her side. Frowning, she tugged on them, willing them
to obey her unspoken commands to move. Nothing responded.  What s going on? she
asked, all of a sudden frightened. If she couldn t move, she couldn t practice her sorcery.
 Show me your magic, he ordered.
 I can t, she whispered. She hadn t practiced her hard-earned skills for so many
years, she had all but forgotten how. Shame crept over her. She had squandered the
heritage her ancestors had left her. Invisible hands passed over her ribcage, down her
stomach and toyed with her belly button, causing her pussy to quiver.
 Cute, Amas muttered with a charming grin.
 Free my hands, she ordered with a bravado she didn t feel.
 Make me.
Hidden hands edged her thighs wider apart. Honeyed cream seeped from her sheath as
those callused palms traveled up the insides of her silky thighs, teasing the edges of her
swollen mound.
14 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
 Say you want me, he said in a low voice bordering on command, but still a
She relented.  I want you, but show me your hands. Don t bedevil me.
 Bedevil you? he bantered with a twinkle in his eyes.  Why would I do that?
 Don t djinns play tricks on people? Her mind was quickly losing focus on the
questions she wanted to ask him.
 No, we amuse ourselves from time to time, but I wouldn t dream of doing that with
you. His hands strayed quite visibly to her upper thighs, but he vanished from sight.
 That s not funny! she called out. Of all the ways to make love.  Get back here!
A glittering rainbow hovered over her.  You mean like this?
Lydia felt tortured. Amas hands continued to wander over her heated flesh, teasing
and making her body burn with longing. Now he was creating optical illusions.  You
might want to consider that when I climax, she grunted.
 When you climax, this might happen, he said.
The world went dark with zillions of twinkling stars against a black velvet canopy. At
first, the stars began to swirl slowly before they ended in a crazy dance of whirling
madness, making Lydia s pupils spin.
A finger slid inside her vagina, inching deeper and deeper. She raised her hips,
enjoying the hot sensation. The digit, making a swishing sound, slid in and out, faster and
Then nothing.
She groaned in disappointment, desperate for release. If her hands had been free, she
would have inserted her own fingers to bring about the climax her body yearned for.
15 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
 Don t do this to me, she cried out in frustrated helplessness.  Get on with it.
 Hmm. For that, I should leave you here.
 No! Lydia screamed.  You can t do that.
He hovered above her face, his knees to either side of her head.  Why not?
His penis hovered enticingly, mere inches from her face.  Is this what you want?
 If I suck your cock, are you going to stop torturing me? she demanded, eyeing his
enticingly hairy balls. Her tongue darted out. She licked his smooth skin, even as
untended flames roared around her weeping slit. Her swollen nipples were pointed,
painful nubs.
 I m not torturing you, ma petite. Simply increasing your delight in a way only I can.
 Conceited fool, she murmured. A slight breeze whispered over her breasts and the
flat of her stomach. She drew her tongue back into her parched mouth. How much more
of this excruciating agony could she take?
From nowhere, a silver pitcher with a curved arm on either side floated above her and,
little by little, poured viscous oil over her breasts. Lydia s nipples perked to stiff nubs.
The warm oil smelled of gardenias, fragrant and strong. She squirmed as the pitcher
traveled further down her body, pouring oil on her stomach, her mound and down each of
her thighs. The oil flowed down between her legs and lubricated her clit - as if the small
piece of flesh really needed it.
 I can split myself into two, Amas said.  Would you like to see?
 Double the pleasure, she moaned, drinking in the scent of the gardenias.
He did that strange furrowing of his eyebrows, and she saw two of him, one a shadow
figure, the other real thing.  One for between your legs and one in your mouth.
16 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
Lydia moaned in ecstasy. If she could only figure out how to duplicate a man with her
sorcery, she would have done so a long time ago. Then she could have participated in a
private orgy.
 Which of me do you like better? Amas asked, his voice light and carefree.
 Just fuck me, will you? she cried out, no longer caring how many of him there
 With pleasure. The unreal Amas, a faded, wispy version of the real one between her
legs, lay down on his stomach and spread her thighs wider. Her lungs seized. All Lydia
wanted now was release from the incessant craving for climactic liberation. The real
Amas at her head leaned forward over her face, blocking out the sun. He tweaked her
nipples, pulling and tightening the cinnamon colored aureoles.
Her blood heated to within melting point when the real Amas tongue lapped at her
juices.  More, more, she groaned.
Liquid strokes of his sizzling tongue made her squirm, but he clamped a hand over
each of her thighs, holding her motionless. Lydia bucked her hips, aiming her clit closer
to his face. She wanted more. Now.
 Patience, ma petite, the real Amas said, his voice nowhere near reassuring.
 If I tied you down and did this to you, she croaked,  how would you feel?
 Why don t you do that and see what happens?
Back to the failure of her magic again, she noted miserably. The tension inside her
made her bow her back, waiting impatiently, clenching her teeth for the imminent
 I want you to see that you can expand your horizons, Amas said, peering into her
17 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
face from above her.  With a little help.
 I don t need hel  She screamed as the long expected convulsion of bliss erupted in
a powerful, fierce surge. Not once, but twice.
Pleasantly drained, she closed her eyes.
 Holy cow. You should look at this, Amas warned. He sounded almost glad, she
She blinked her eyes open but instead of being out on the wave lapped beach, she
relaxed on a bed of warm, wet sand in the midst of a sandcastle, replete with battlements.
The room of the castle in which she and the two djinns lay had a window through which
the sun shone brightly, casting its light directly on Lydia s pussy.
Struggling to sit up, she found her hands still pinned to her sides.  Who did this? she
 You did, of course.
 My magic is coming back, she whispered in awe.
 You hardly knew it was gone, the real Amas responded, his eyes mirroring the
wonder in her own.  It s a miracle you recognized that you had hidden away your magic.
Before she could say more, he was in her mouth, splayed over her, rubbing her still
aching breasts with the flat of his palms. Lydia shuddered, surrendering to his
ministrations. Her pulse skittered in her veins, her crisis of the lack of magic momentarily
forgotten. If she thought the need for release would ease with the first and second
explosions, she had been wrong. The need was as fierce as ever. She wanted to feel Amas
filling her sheath, stretching her wide with his engorged cock.
Instead, she tongued the velvety hardness of his cock. She licked and laved the drop
18 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
of pre-come from the glans, tasting salty perspiration. His rod throbbed in time with the
regular skipping of his heartbeat. He thrust in and out of her mouth.
 Weren t you Henry the Eighth s mistress at one time? Before he divorced Catherine
of Aragon? he asked out of the blue.
 No, she said around his rod.  I wouldn t have minded, though. He was quite the
lusty man. At the moment, I want to be the mistress of a djinn. The words were intended
as nothing more than humor.
 Your wish is granted, he said, laughing with his usual sparkle.
She thought he would climax but he withdrew, sat to one side in the sand and pumped
his hard member. Up and down, almost ravaging her senses. He leaned backwards,
driving his shaft up and down with increasingly jerky movements. When his come
spurted into the air, droplets sprayed Lydia s neck and breasts. She gasped in vicarious
Thunderous applause rang out from the ocean. Shocked, she turned her head. Her
mouth gaped open. A multitude of people stood out in the ocean, the water up to their
knees and thighs.
She tried to get up.  How dare you expose me to the view of these people? she
remonstrated with the djinn.
 Relax, ma petite. Take comfort in the fact they re not real and will vanish into the
next dimension when their purpose is served.
 They will? she squeaked, appalled at her girlish fear of being naked in front of a
group of people.
The misty Amas chortled before he nudged her thighs apart even further and settled
19 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
his throbbing cock against her slick entrance.  Forget about them. Nothing matters but the
Lydia hastily put those people, standing in the ocean and ogling her nudity and the
djinns lovemaking, out of her mind. Liquid fire stroked her as the misty Amas penetrated
her and her breathing became quick and ragged. She felt her vagina stretch to
accommodate him as he hilted his thickened flesh inside her.
Her hands were suddenly free, she realized, as she lifted them to the misty djinn s
back, to rub her palms along the knobby length of his spine. The real djinn locked his
warm lips against hers, tasting, delving, scorching her mouth. This was as close to bliss as
she would ever get, she sighed. Two djinns riding her with their fierce passion.
Her hips bucked and rose to the challenge of the misty djinn s pumping. She quivered
with anticipation, matched his rhythm thrust for thrust. This was a landscape of passion
no painter, whether he was French or not, could ever hope to recreate. Dark, primitive
desire mingled with heated excitement. Her muscles contracted. She was almost at the
edge. She would have clenched her teeth if the real Amas hadn t been feasting on her lips.
The misty Amas flesh pounded as one against and in hers. He thrust one last
powerful time and her world fractured around her. His hot come burst into her slit. She
gasped for air as her nails dug into his back. A cry of exquisite delight came from her lips.
She felt certain the real Amas sat back and watched with fascination.
Lydia closed her eyes as she surrendered herself to wave after delightful wave. Misty
Amas lay panting above her, his elbows braced on either side of her breasts. One last,
fading spasm overtook her. Her chest heaved up and down and a coat of perspiration
covered her body.
20 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
 Hmm. You might want to open those pretty eyes and see what you did, she heard
the djinn at her head say in a baffled voice.
Cautiously and lethargically, she opened her eyes. Astonished, she nearly sat up
before she remembered the misty Amas lay between her legs.
 I can t believe this, she exclaimed in a hushed tone.
The palace the French Sun King had prided himself on stood before her in all its
magnificence. Countless mirrors, gold painted, barrel-vaulted ceilings, ornate chandeliers
and beautifully rendered paintings shone in the sunlight.  No way. You did this, she
flared at the real Amas.
He shook his head.  No, ma petite. You are relearning the power of your spells. I hear
them in your head as we make love to you.
 I couldn t have, she murmured in puzzled incredulity.  How did you do that?
 I didn t do anything. You did.
Lydia sensed an emptiness between her legs, and when she looked found the misty
Amas was gone.  Where is your better half?
Amas shrugged.  My better half? After all the pleasure I ve deigned to give you, and
you call that twerp my better half? The chestnut colored eyes sparkled mischievously.
 Why should he tell me anything?
 I thought he was a part of you, Lydia murmured, baffled that the djinn had doubled
her pleasure with an effortless wiggle of his thick eyebrows. Could she be falling in love
with him? She couldn t allow herself to do that. Whenever she had permitted herself to
fall in love with a man, he had jilted her. Or worse yet, he strung her along until the
independent part of her, couldn t take any more, and she walked out.
21 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn
 Everything is a part of me, Amas said with conviction, waving a hand at the mirrors
and sky showing through the high windows.  That is what makes me who I am. That
should be what makes you who you are.
Lydia sat up and cast a spell. She couldn t bear the notion of being in the palace when
there were only memories to haunt her, not the breathing, living people from the past. A
moment later, the djinn and she were back in Bermuda near the ocean waves and the
whispering palm trees.  You ve given me a great gift, she said softly.
The djinn s eyebrows etched upwards in question. For once, she mused, he was
 You ve returned my belief in my ability to create magic, she said triumphantly.
 Does that mean you don t want to be my mistress now? Amas eyes welled with
unshed tears.
 No, not at all. For once in my long life, I ve found someone I can be with without
being condemned for who I am. I want to be with you, to learn more about you.
Amas nodded.  Is three hundred years enough to get to know me?
Lydia snorted playfully.  Fair is fair. You gave me three centuries.
They sat on a washed up piece of driftwood and watched the sunshine. Lydia created a
fantastic rainbow and arched the multitude of colors across the pinks, oranges and dark
mauves of the setting sun. The rainbow stayed until late into the night as the djinn and she
made love once again.
22 Double the Djinn Aurora Rose Lynn


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