Aurora Rose Lynn Shrink Wrap (Lady Aibell)(pdf)

Aurora Rose Lynn
A Lady Aibell Press/Chippewa Publishing Publication, September 2006
Chippewa Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 662
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729
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SHRINK WRAP Copyright © 2006 Aurora Rose Lynn
Edited by Tami Parrington
Cover Art by T. Jay
Proofed by Carla Mizell
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any
means, without the written consent of the publisher.
This work is an expanded and re-edited version of a previously published title.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the
author s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or
persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark
holders. None of these trademark holders are affiliated with Chippewa Publishing, LLC., our
products, or our website.
WARNING: The contents of this book are intended for mature audiences 18 years of age and
older only. Language, violence, and sexual situations may apply.
Shrink Wrap
Tanya hated waiting in the psychiatrist s reception area for her appointment. She squeezed
her legs together and tried to calm her jittery nerves. Her marriage was falling apart. She needed
help in a bad way.
She stared at a potted fern in the corner near the door, and then glanced at the wall clock
again. The receptionist s desk was empty since the older woman was at lunch. The psychiatrist
had promised her some free time at twelve thirty. It was five minutes past. Biting her lower lip,
she crossed her right leg over her left knee and bounced her leg up and down nervously. What
was keeping Doctor McNamara?
Clearing her throat, she jumped to her feet, fastening the belt of her dark blue trench coat
around her slim waist. Pacing back and forth, she muttered.  I can t believe I m not pretty
enough for him. Anger made her cheeks blush bright pink.  What makes him think his work is
everything? When he got married, didn t he promise to love, honor, and cherish me? Huh, to
 If you ll stop your mumbling, the psychiatrist said from the doorway to his inner office,
 I m ready to take you now.
Tanya turned on her spiked heels, feeling her lace panties rub against her ass. The sound of
his voice, like velvet rubbing against sensitized skin, sent tingling shivers along her spine.
 I m sure you are, she whispered. She dared to gaze at his handsome face, experiencing
more of a thrill at the hungry excitement in his sparkling eyes, the color of emerald glass. What a
magnificent man he was, with biceps that almost burst at the seams of his thin-striped cotton
shirt. What a hunk! Tanya swallowed hard, astounded by his presence and his jutting erection.
He couldn t hide the fact that he wanted her. She smiled inwardly. A woman had feminine
power, even if she was married to a man who couldn t be bothered about her.
She wanted to run to him, slip her hand around his bulging cock and kiss his moist lips. But
she couldn t. The circumstances weren t appropriate. She gave an audible sigh and a frisson of
delight hardened her clit.
 How are you doing today, Mrs. Smith? the psychiatrist asked.
 I couldn t be better, she mumbled, trying to avoid staring at his erection. My, but he was
big. She licked her lower lip sensuously.
He didn t seem to see.  Have a seat. Shall we begin?
 By all means. She seated herself on the black leather couch, meant for lying on and
ruminating about problems, and crossed her legs again.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
 Could you tell me the nature of your problem? We need to get at this in more detail.
Her nipples prodded against the lacy material of her bra.  I m trying to rejuvenate my
marriage, she replied simply, looking everywhere but at this man who drove her insides wild.
 Alone? Why didn t you bring your husband with you?
 He s not the type to seek out counseling.
He nodded as if he understood.  What are you trying to accomplish with this
rather one-sided rejuvenation?
 To bring back some of the sparkle we had when we first got married.
 When did you get married?
 Seven years ago.
 That s roughly the time frame when marriages are made or broken. He wrote on a pad of
 I m sorry. I don t understand. Shouldn t you know whether you get along before you get
 Many people get married on the spur of the moment, without getting to know each other s
idiosyncrasies beforehand. It s these little things that, sooner or later, begin to drive a wedge
between a couple.
 Like, I roll up the toothpaste tube and he doesn t?
 Exactly. Or when he doesn t put the toilet seat down.
 I don t have that problem with my husband. He s very thoughtful and considerate.
 That s good to know. Perhaps there s hope for the two of you.
Tanya thought she detected a hint of jealousy.  I ve tried everything to turn him on. I ve
greeted him at the door in nothing but my birthday suit. I ve bought negligees the sales clerk at
the lingerie shop said would melt a man s cock off, but he doesn t seem to care when he sees me.
It s like I m not sexy enough.
Tanya saw appreciation light his emerald green eyes. Eyes she could easily fall in love with.
Doctor McNamara swallowed hard. His Adam s apple bobbed up and down. She saw the
corded muscles extend in his neck. If only she got the chance, she could fuck him out of his
mind. Suddenly restless, she rose and strolled to the window to look out from the fifth story onto
the traffic below. Across the street, there was an office building similar to this one with plenty of
windows. It was quite likely that a bored employee sat at his desk watching the goings-on in this
office. Light goose bumps tic-tacked up the inside of her arms. Maybe her girlfriend had been
right. Being an exhibitionist could be a real turn on. Tanya turned back to watch the doctor as
honeyed nectar ran down the inside of her thighs and her nipples budded.
He lifted several sheets of cardstock from the oak desk he sat behind.  We ll get to the root
of the problem. What does this remind you of?
Tanya peered at the black drawing, which looked as if someone without any artistic abilities
had spilled black ink over the white paper.  It looks like two people fucking each other, she said
softly. A blush crept into her cheeks. Normally she didn t use four letter words but today they
were turning her on even more than she already was.
 Do you think they could be in love?
What kind of probing question was that?  I suppose so.
 What makes you think that?
 The way he s got his arms around her waist and she has her arms around his neck, she
replied thoughtfully.
He lifted another ink-blotted sheet.  How about this one?
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
 Um, looks like a man with a big cock. If her cheeks weren t burning already, the
suggestive picture along with the fact that his rod was straining at his pants made her blush more
He adjusted the seam at the crotch of his pants before he hastily raised a big hand to his
rugged chin.  I suppose you like men who are, how shall I put this, well endowed?
Tanya had watched his hand as he made his dick more comfortable. She crossed one leg
over the other and squeezed her thighs together, hoping she wouldn t embarrass herself by
showing him how much she needed him.  Yes. I suppose you could say that. But wouldn t any
His cheeks turned ruddy.  Let me ask the questions, Mrs. Smith.
 I thought you ought to know that. Haven t you been in practice for the last ten years or so?
She had obviously thrown him off track. His lips trembled and she could clearly see his cock
throbbing.  Let me show you another of these.
His hands shook slightly as he lifted another picture from behind the second one.  How
about this one?
Her blush grew deeper.  A naked woman with her legs spread wide open. Tanya fisted her
hands in her lap. The picture was explicitly suggestive of what she wanted to do lie down on
her back on his desk and throw her legs open.
 You certainly have a good imagination, he said softly. His eyes narrowed. He was going
to proposition her. She felt certain of that.
 I told you, Doctor. I want sex all the time. I can t get sex out of mind. Every word, from
nuts to bolts, has a sexual connotation.
 Right, he said, swallowing heavily again.  How about this one? He changed the picture
 Are you thinking I m going to get better as you switch the pictures? That I m going to think
of something else something not sexual?
 Nothing of the sort. I m trying to understand what you re thinking.
Tanya could easily have shown him what she was thinking. She could have thrown her coat
open to reveal the lacy bra and the crotchless panties she wore. Instead, she settled for,  Three
men standing in a row naked.
Not that she wanted to have sex with three men. She only lusted after her husband who
didn t want much to do with her, whether she was naked or not.
His eyebrows notched up half an inch and he gave her a frank look of appraisal.  Anything
 Their cocks are all erect.
 Very good. Without telling her whether she had passed the test or not, he sat behind his
desk, which seemed like half a world away, and continued to write on a yellow notepad. Tanya
couldn t see the individual words from where she sat but saw his elegant but strong script.
 Did I pass?
He looked up at her, his expression one of mild amusement.  I assure you, Mrs. Smith, this
isn t about passing or failing.
 Do you have any idea what s wrong with me? she persisted, surveying his large hand and
his big-boned wrist.
Still writing, he said,  I can tell you one thing. You have an overly-active sexual
Tanya didn t think she could blush fiercer than she did, but her cheeks felt like a forest fire
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
was raging across them.  Is that a real problem? Is it something I ll be able to overcome?
 I m not sure. It s a possibility, he said noncommittally.
 How do we go about solving this problem? She pressed her thighs together at the thought
of his large fingers slipping inside her slick channel. A muted sound of frustration came from her
tightly clenched lips.
 Is there something wrong, Mrs. Smith? he asked. This time he scrutinized her from the tip
of her head down to her suddenly dry lips and down to her breasts, too safely tucked away
behind the trench coat.
 Uh, no, she replied hastily. She was barely able to restrain herself from throwing her
needy body at him.
 Good. We must act out some of your fantasies so we can help you deal with them.
 Oh, she said abruptly.  That sounds exciting. Is the acting going to be for real? Her voice
was breathy, signaling just how much she wanted him.
 For real? Oh, I should say so.
Tanya noticed how a sheen of perspiration bathed his forehead. A lock of wavy, black hair
fell across the skin. She wanted to reach out and brush the strands away. Instead, she sat still.
 Are you sure about this? Isn t this type of treatment, let s say, radical?
 Radical, yes. I wouldn t perform this with just anyone, but you are a very special case. He
tapped the pen s cap against the desk repeatedly, almost in time with the pulsing in her veins.
 Why do you think so? Her voice was raspy. She wanted this man so badly she could taste
the need.
 Based on my analysis, you have some deep-seated sexual needs that aren t being fulfilled.
By acting out some of your fantasies, you ll be better able to handle the situation with your
husband. He took a deep breath and let the air out slowly but didn t look at her.
 I m not sure I can deal with that, she said, playing the shy maiden, although that was the
furthest thing from her mind.  What s my husband going to think? Not that she really cared.
She wanted a seductive encounter with any man who would see her need, who would help her
out, who would bring her to the heights of climax, who would love her for a few minutes.
 Your husband isn t here, so we won t worry about him.
She smiled at Doctor McNamara.  Then I can truly concentrate on my fantasies.
 Absolutely. Don t hold back. Go with what feels right.
She had never lived out her fantasies before, she thought, staring into his face. His eyes
sparkled, but there was no other hint that he was interested in a sexual liaison. A man and a
woman had that right. She took a deep breath and let the air out slowly.
Why admit she was going onto thirty-five and she had never before experienced an illicit
encounter to stoke her fires? Every woman needed a man to make her feel special and
delectably wanton.
He breathed a happy sigh.  Why don t you slip out of your coat? This time mild
amusement registered on his face.
She thought he would never ask! Tanya gnawed her lower lip as she gaped at the sharp lines
of his jaw. She wanted his lingering kiss on her burning flesh. Nevertheless, she slowly got to her
feet, stepped away from the couch, and then unbelted the trench coat.
 Go on, he encouraged her, his eyes feasting on her.
Keeping her eyes on his, she slipped the coat from her shoulders and let the dark material
pool on the carpet.
She heard him hiss and his eyes widened into deep mirrors of glistening appreciation.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
 I see your problem is more pronounced than I originally thought.
How could he not admire her? She wore nothing but a frothy, lacy, white bra and a pair of
matching panties.
 You re every bit as beautiful as I imagined you to be, he said in a husky voice.
 Does that mean you want to fuck me? She had to ask. She had her doubts that a man who
was so well renowned in the psychiatric community, even though he was only in his early forties,
would want to make love to her. A cool breeze from the overhead air conditioner made her
nipples harden inside the flimsy lace.
 Do you doubt your beauty?
 I don t think that s an issue.
 I merely suggested it. Why don t you let me examine you now?
 Should I take the rest of my clothes off? Fear and excitement shot through her. She
wanted to take everything off, even though she suspected she had more than an audience of
one the doctor and a person or two from across the street in the office building. The thought
excited her in a way she couldn t have imagined possible.
 Not right now. He got to his feet. Her eyes shot to his crotch where his cock strained
against his pants.
 Oh my, she whispered, tantalized by the erotic sight.
 I m going to examine you. Do you trust me?
Tanya had no other option than to nod. She wasn t afraid of what he might ask. If he asked
her to get down on her knees and suck his shaft, she would do so without hesitation. If he asked
her to bend over his desk so he could take her from behind, she wouldn t hesitate to do that
either. It was the unexpected that thrilled her that spiked the heated furnace within her to an
unbearable degree.
 Come sit in my chair, he ordered, his voice was low and resonated at the core of her being.
Her juices ran down the inside of her thighs. What would he ask her to do?
 Are you sure you trust me?
 Yes, she managed breathlessly.  Should I slip off my high heels?
He nodded. She felt certain he watched intently as she bent over and un-strapped her black
heels. When she straightened, he motioned with his head towards the chair. Her legs trembled as
she strolled to the padded, black executive chair and sat down.
 Put your legs up here. The doctor patted the outermost edges of the armrests. A tiny smile
crept onto his lips.
She looked into his face, tingling at the sensation that she was near naked, but he was still
dressed although, she suspected, not for long. He wanted her. His hard erection was evidence
of that. His scent, lemon and fresh washed skin, drifted over her.  I can t, she said, shivering a
 Why not?
He opened one of the uppermost drawers on the desk and slipped out two thick, black satin
ribbons. She bit her lip.  What are you going to do?
 This has become a matter of trust, he replied.  Do you trust me?
 Yes, she managed from a dry throat.
 Then put your feet up here. He touched the armrests again.
 But that s going to expose me.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
 It s part of making love, he said patiently. He stroked her upper arm lightly. Her nipples
hardened into tiny nubs. Gingerly, she placed the soles of her feet on either armrest as she leaned
back against the chair. Her thighs edged wide apart. The psychiatrist could see her swollen clit as
she crimped the silky material of her panties to one side. The thought that she was vulnerable
made her want to clench her thighs together and climax. She held her breath. Very clearly, she
smelled the scent of her musky arousal.
Openly admiring the feast set before his eyes, the doctor observed her. Those gorgeous
green eyes became heavy lidded and his full, sexy lips parted. She wiggled her ass a little,
shimmied out of her underwear, and started to close her thighs to taunt him but he hurriedly tied
her ankles with the ribbon to the chair.  I want you to spread your legs wide and keep them like
Tanya smiled seductively although she knew his eyes weren t lingering on her facial
features. They were on the patch of dark brown, almost black hair, curling at the apex of her
thighs and down below to the pink folds of her labia and the rosy, pulsing clitoris. Making the
most of her position, she reached behind her neck and clasped her hands, locking her fingers
together. As she did so, she turned her head towards the window. Oh, but the notion that
someone might be viewing her made her skin tingle and her clit quiver with anticipation. What
would the doctor think if she asked him to turn the chair to face the window? Despite herself, she
 What s so funny, Mrs. Smith? the object of her desire asked.
 I think someone s watching me, she said, gazing towards the window.
He turned towards the window and a wide smile broadened his expression.  Watching us,
you mean.
She nodded, but her eyes opened wide in dismay. To her shocked surprise, he lifted a digital
camera from the uppermost drawer of his desk.  What are you going to do with that?
He laughed softly.  What I ve had in mind since you came into my office: to photograph
one of my patients as she s spread like you are.
 Do you find it exciting? she asked, lowering her hands to her pussy. She trailed a finger
through her honey.
 I wouldn t be a man if I didn t, he replied simply, raising the camera to his eye.
She decided to turn the tables a bit. What was wrong with watching the watcher?  I bet
you re zooming in the lens to take a closer look at my clit, she said, thoroughly enjoying
He moaned.  Yes, exactly, he managed in a husky voice. She giggled as she spread her
labia apart and showed him the trickling juices.
He groaned.
 Are you having trouble holding onto that little camera? Tanya grinned, visualizing what
he saw through the small lens.
 A little, he admitted.
What kind of images was he creating? His hands trembled violently. Her lips curved in a
lop-sided, wicked smile, and she lowered her eyes past the waistband of his pants.  Can you
stand closer?
 No, he growled.  I know what you want to do.
 You do? she asked unabashedly.  What might that be? After all, what was good for the
patient might very well be good for the psychiatrist.
 You want to unzip my fly and touch me.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
 Ah, but that s not all I want to do, she chided him. Her fingers toyed with her clitoris,
bringing her to the point of climax.
 I don t want you to climax yet, he said sternly, lowering the camera.
Tanya stayed her finger, but the effort took all her waning willpower.
 That s better.
 It is not, she retorted sharply.  I want to cum. Badly. Her breaths came in ragged gasps,
and her breasts heaved up and down. Her clit burned. Trying to change the subject an
impossible task she asked,  What are you going to do with the pictures you made?
McNamara shrugged.  It s a clinical thing.
 What kind?
 Oh, to see if you have all the parts a desirable woman should have.
 Do I have them all?
 More than adequately.
A horrifying notion struck her.  When you get tired of me, you re not going to blackmail me
with those. Right?
 Tire of you? I ve only known you a few hours.
She snorted.  And intimately. But if you try to blackmail me, I m sure my husband will have
something to say about that.
 I can only imagine, he volunteered, his eyes heavy lidded.  Now you can play with
 What if I want you to come and do it yourself? she teased, enjoying every second of this
marvelous encounter. Who would have thought a man like McNamara had it within him to turn
her on like this?
He mumbled a few words that were too low for her to catch. When he slid to the carpet, he
untied her ankles, but she was too engrossed in examining his green eyes and his drooping lower
lip to move them to a more comfortable pose. She could see her pussy reflected in his yearning
 But don t take off your clothes, she commanded peremptorily.
He gritted his teeth together.  Mrs. Smith. Don t give me ideas.
 Oh, she said, waving a dismissive hand in the air behind him.  I wasn t trying to. She
loved the fact that he was completely dressed, with hardly a hair out of place, but she was spread
open for him.
 I didn t think you would be so presumptuous. McNamara leaned forward, spread her
thighs even further, and kissed her mons, playing his fingers through the soft curls. He traced a
lazy finger along her moist folds and then inserted one into her pussy, causing her to groan with
exhilaration. But that wasn t enough. She needed more.
 Well, are you going to eat my pussy or not? she asked. Impatiently, she grabbed hold of
his head and jerked his face closer to her clit.
He mumbled something unintelligible but what sounded like,  My pleasure.
Her spine arched backwards as she felt his warm, wet tongue delve into her slick channel. It
rasped against her clit. She writhed in delight as he licked and laved her, sucking and taking her
bud lightly between his teeth. Her hips bucked under the fiery assault. The muscles of her vagina
clenched before he removed his tongue, leaving a cold blast of air where his warmth had been.
She burned with the need to come and placed her fingers against her clit to rub the smooth,
heated flesh.
She slipped her bra straps over her upper arms and pushed down the lacy cups from her
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
swollen breasts. Her fingers pulled on the tender nipples, stretching them to a long half inch. She
lowered one hand to her pussy. She could play like this forever, she thought dreamily.
 What do you think you re doing? she asked as McNamara rose to his feet and seized her
arms. Her fingertips jerked away from her pussy.
 What did I say? That you re not to come until I tell you to.
 But I have to! This is sheer torture.
He clasped her wrists behind her back and pressed his hard planes against her soft curves.
He pried apart her lips with a nibble and shot his tongue into her mouth. She tasted of creamy
sensuality and felt the clothed length of him against her body. She pressed into him, hoping to
ease the fierce ache the need to climax had caused.
Before she could rub her mound against his throbbing cock, he pushed her aside, turned, and
with the back of his hand, swept aside all his tools of the trade: the gold cross pen, the pad of
paper, and the black and white sheets.
 Get up here. On your back, he ordered, patting the desk.
 Torture, she muttered.  Sheer torture.
 This is nothing yet.
Intending to finish what he had started, she placed her fingers against her pulsing clitoris,
but he grabbed her hands and forced them above her head in a vise-like grip.  You come when I
tell you to, he repeated.
She moaned as her back touched the cold desk and she writhed about, desperately searching
for relief.
The sound of his fly zipper was loud as he unfastened it.  Do you want me to fuck you?
 Oh please! Tanya cried out.  Please fuck me.
 I thought so. There s nothing like a man s dick inside a woman to take care of that little
itch. He inched his reddened cock to her slit.
 Get on with it, will you?
 Now, now, Mrs. Smith. Impatience never got a woman in need anywhere.
 Don t keep me on the edge like this. Stick your cock in me, will you? She struggled to
free her hands but it was no use. He was much stronger than she was.
His breath felt hot on her cheeks, and his eyes sparkled mercilessly. His rod poked at her wet
 I want you inside me, she cried out anxiously.
She got her wish as he eased himself into her, utterly filling her.  Now move, she begged,
thrashing about, lifting her hips to meet his more fully.
 You know, it seems that the balance of power is tilted in my favor, don t you think?
 What do you mean? she muttered.
 I would say that you are desperate for a good fuck, but I m the one in control.
She muttered a four-letter word.  It ll teach me to think that I can come to a psychiatrist to
solve my problems.
McNamara chuckled.  Feel this. He began thrusting into her, in and out, picking up the
tempo to a frenzied rate. Tanya lifted her hips higher. She was almost at the point where she
would come. Almost. Over and over, he brought her to the edge, and then he would slow,
making her want to scream in frustration.
He withdrew. She cried out.  Get back in there and finish what you started. She would
dearly have loved to have her hands free. But then there might be payback time when it would be
her turn to torture him to the point of no return.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
He lightly slapped the outside of her thigh and finally released her hands.  Stand up and
bend that pretty little ass over the desk.
Aching with fierce desire, she turned around and got to her feet, wondering how he would
torment her next. She didn t have long to wait before he said,  Spread your knees wide.
She complied before he sank into her tight, wet channel. She moaned and started to rock
back and forth. He took hold of her breasts and smoothed his hands over the soft globes, teasing
and pulling the nipples.  Is this what you want?
 Oh, yes, Tanya grunted,  but faster.
 If you say please.
She growled,  Just get on with it.
He stopped pumping.  Mind your manners.
 I didn t think animals had manners, she whimpered. She was so close to coming.
 Not until I hear that one word.
 Okay, okay. Please. Please. Please. Thank you very much.
He burst out laughing but the sound seemed strained, leaving her to surmise he was in as
much a bad way as she was, or possibly even worse. Although she didn t think that was likely,
not if he was relentlessly tormenting her. He began to pump rhythmically. Her tender nipples
dragged back and forth on the glass smooth desk, heightening her pleasure. With taut knuckles,
she held onto the edge of the desk, feeling McNamara s balls slap against her ass.
Grunting, he hilted himself in her soaked pussy as easily as a plane soaring through the air.
She knew when he was about to climax. His movements became hot and fevered. Sensing he was
so close, her orgasm hit, wave upon flooding wave.
The intercoms high-pitched beeping interrupted. McNamara pulled out of her. Tanya wanted
more from this hunk, but she knew their short and sweet time had ended.
 Yes? the doctor said into the intercom speaker on the floor with the rest of what had been
on his desk.
 Your next patient is here, the secretary said in a hushed tone.
 I ll be there in a few minutes.
Tanya was already pulling her bra into place over her tender breasts and searching for her
trench coat before she remembered the dark blue material lay on the floor in front of the desk,
out of sight.
She retrieved McNamara s things from the floor and put them in their relative positions.
 The room smells of sex, she said, straightening the doctor s tie and running her fingers through
his wavy curls to give him a more polished appearance.
He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.  We ve made quite a bit of headway today, don t
you think?
She laughed.  We certainly have. Grabbing her coat, she slipped into it and tied the knot
securely at the waist. Her nipples were still swollen and her pussy wet with her honeyed cream.
Her knees trembled as she checked the spacious room one last time to make sure nothing was out
of place. The sex had been mind blowing. There was no getting over that.
 All set? Doctor McNamara asked.
She nodded, hating to leave. He opened the door, placed a large hand at the small of her
back and walked out into the receptionist s area alongside her. Tanya noted that the secretary
watched them with keen eyes.
 Nice to see you, Doctor McNamara, the woman said, nodding to Tanya.
 Thank you.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
McNamara bent his head and touched his lips gently to hers.  See you tonight, honey, he
said, loud enough for the nosy secretary to hear. Tanya kissed him back and hurried to make her
own after lunch appointment.
* * * *
Tired from a long day at the office with frustrated patients, Tanya made a simple dinner at
home and lit the tapered gold candles at the dining table.
The door opened promptly at seven p.m. Her husband walked in, tall and graceful, although
his face showed some wear and tear from his day at the office with his own set of patients.
 How did your day go? she asked quietly.
 I had a tough patient at lunch. She needed special counseling.
 What kind?
 The woman needed to act out a few of her sexual fantasies.
Tanya pretended to pout.  That s funny. You never act out my fantasies with me. She took
him into her arms and raised her lips for a kiss.
 I have that appointment block open for you again tomorrow, if you need it, honey.
As their lips met in a ravishing kiss, the candles and dinner slipped into the background and
faded away in the heat of their passion.
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
About the Author
Aurora Rose Lynn
Aurora Rose Lynn lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and a small menagerie of
pets. She is the published author of contemporary romantic suspense, paranormal, comic fantasy
for adults, science fiction novels in unexpected worlds, and fantasy for middle-grade children.
She s always happy to hear from her readers. When she isn t writing, she designs her own cross
stitch and is an avid cross-stitcher. She also enjoys reading anything she can get her hands on.
Find out more about Aurora at her website:
Our authors love to hear from their readers!
You can write to Aurora here:
Aurora Rose Lynn
c/o Chippewa Publishing LLC
P.O. Box 662
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729
Aurora Rose Lynn SHRINK WRAP
Lady Aibell Press
a division of Chippewa Publishing LLC
Catching Your Dreams of Fiction!


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