Marteeka Karland Lady Viper (pdf)

Lady Viper
Marteeka Karland
She has a way of looking at a man. That look only an innocent can
manage. Only she s far from innocent. The longing and hunger in her wide,
gorgeous dark eyes is stark, there for all to see, except she manages to only
show it when no one but her prey will notice. A man has enough time to
think about it, realize he s about to be trapped in a web of lust and need
before he succumbs completely to her considerable charms--namely a
sweetly beautiful face, firm, high breasts, and the most fantastic bubble
butt this side of the Mississippi. From what I can tell, no man has ever left
her arms unsatisfied, though she never goes to the same man twice. Some
say no one can truly satisfy her. I say she just hasn t met the right man...or
men. Fortunately for all of us, she s now set her sights on me& and my best
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© 2015 Marteeka Karland
Cover Art: Shara Azod
Editor: Katriena Knights
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Lady Viper ................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter One ............................................................................................................ 5
Chapter Two............................................................................................................ 9
Chapter Three....................................................................................................... 12
Chapter Four ......................................................................................................... 18
Chapter One
 Here she comes, Justin, my best friend and one of the most uptight people I d
ever known, warned in a stern voice as he hastily got to his feet.  She s giving you that
 And what look is that? I asked, lazily crossing my arms as I sat back in my chair.
The half-empty glass of beer sweated, making beads of water run down the sides. It was
hard not to imagine how the Lady Viper s skin would look drenched in perspiration just
like that glass.
 The one that says she s looking to get some and wants it from you. That was the
closest I d ever heard Justin come to using the word  fuck or the phrase  get laid in all
the time we d known each other. Even now, he was slipping into his jacket and
slamming a few bills on the table to cover his meal, expecting to beat a hasty retreat.
 If it s me she s after, why are you so hell-bent on getting the fuck out? Justin s
face flushed a slight red. It was hard not to laugh openly at his discomfort. The man
definitely needed to get laid by a woman like the Viper.
 Look. Piper  The Viper Day is not the kind of woman I need to be around. She
makes me&  He rubbed the back of his neck.  & uncomfortable.
 Which is exactly why you need to be around her. Stretch yourself a little.
Honestly, Justin. When did you become such a pussy? We all used to play together as
 Hello, Bennett, Piper said, addressing me as she approached the table. She
wore jeans that hugged a perfectly rounded ass and a spaghetti-strap tank that showed
her midriff and a little belly ring I wanted to thread my tongue through and see how
long it took before I made her squeal. Her hair was long and loose; the tight curls
cascading down her back made me want to grab a handful as I mounted her from
behind. Directly on the heels of that thought came one that said while she rode the cock
of another man&
I was fucked. Literally. Piper wanted something from me. I could see it in her
eyes. She had a body made for sin while her face was that of an angelic cherub. Men who
didn t know her were terrified of lusting after her for fear of eternal damnation. It was a
weapon the Viper used to her advantage. It was how she got the nickname to begin with.
She lured men to her lair with that air of sweet innocence before she struck, leaving
them breathless and panting, anticipating more only to toss them aside when she d had
her fill. I d heard some name her a whore.  Bitch was thrown in there liberally as well
when she turned her nose up at a man she d been with the previous night. Personally, I
saw nothing wrong with it. Men did it all the time. Why not women?
 You re looking particularly edible tonight, Piper, I said, flashing her a wicked
grin. Justin nearly choked as he mumbled something before trying to leave. No way that
was happening yet. I snagged his arm before he could scurry off.
Even though her skin was a beautiful shade of coffee and cream, she still
managed the most becomingly innocent blush. The girl was good, that was for sure.
 You re not looking bad yourself. She glanced at Justin who, in all his blond, fair-
skinned glory was practically glowing bright red.  Hi, Justin.
 P-Piper, he stammered.
She looked at the half-finished meals on the table before asking,  Were you
finished or would you mind if I joined you?
 I-I was j-just headed out, Justin managed. It was all I could do not to snort.
 Have a seat, I said, tugging Justin back to his.  We were nearly finished, but I ll
be happy to buy you a drink.
She grinned brightly, her whole face seeming to light up the room. I could see
why men fell for her. A woman with a killer body, an insatiable sex drive, and the
sweetest smile in the world& Who wouldn t want that?
 I d love one, she said as I flagged down the waitress.
 Whatever the lady wants, I said, flashing her another grin.
 Just ice water with lemon, she said sweetly.
Again, the image of her body naked and beaded with sweat flashed through my
mind. This had to happen. It would happen if I had anything to say about it. She wasn t
drinking alcohol so she was definitely looking for something. I d watched her habits
enough to know she never drank when she was looking to hook up.
 What s on your mind? I asked boldly. I half expected her to play coy. Most
women would have, but that wasn t her way.
 You know my game, she said, never taking those incredible eyes from me.  Just
as long as you know I never go for seconds. One night only. Next to me, Justin coughed
and spluttered as he choked on his own water.
 I know your game, I replied, kicking Justin under the table, warning him to be
silent.  But I m willing to bet you enjoy yourself so much you come back for more.
One delicately arched eyebrow rose.  You re not the first man to say that,
Bennett. I see no reason why you should be any different than every other man. How
the fuck did she still look so sweet and innocent while discussing sex? It was her eyes.
Had to be. They were large and dark, wide and so pure with emotion I could almost feel
her need. If her responses seemed innocent, her words told the true story.  There s a
reason I never go back to the same man twice. I don t give second chances. And I ve not
been with as many men as everyone thinks, but it suits me to give everyone that
 A woman who knows what she wants and isn t afraid to take it, I answered,
holding her gaze.  I like that.
 So, how do you propose to convince me you re the man for me?
And that was when the inspiration hit me.  Because you don t need a man.
Perhaps you just need to&  I glanced at Justin, unable to suppress the grin trying to
split my face.  & stretch yourself a little.
Chapter Two
It took me a moment to realize what Bennett was proposing. Then it took me
another couple of moments to realize he wasn t joking. With that knowledge, my face
flooded with heat, and I was certain I d pass out from mortification. Bennett Gray knew
there was no way I could do this. He d been my best friend my entire life, knew I d rarely
ever even kissed a girl, and any sexual experiences I d had were...well, forgettable. Was I
proud of that? No. But it was surely a sign Ben was getting me in over my head. The
bastard was probably giggling with glee on the inside.
 Ben-- I began, but he cut me off.
 You give us one night. We ll show you more pleasure than any one woman has
ever experienced. How could Ben sound so confident knowing there was no way I could
please a woman like her? Was this all some ploy to get Piper to sleep with him? Because
it sounded like she d already made up her mind to do it anyway. What did he need me
 The two of you? Did her eyes widen? Oh, God! She was excited!  Together?
 I thought you might like that, Ben said smoothly. What I wouldn t give for even
a quarter of Ben s smoothness with women. Not because I wanted to get laid or anything
so crude. I d just like to be able to carry on a conversation with a female without
blushing to the roots of my blond hair.
Piper glanced at me, a shy smile gracing her features. God, the woman was
beautiful! What man wouldn t be beguiled by her air of sweet innocence? Certainly not
me. The three of us had grown up together, though Piper had been a couple years
younger than me and Ben. Hell, I d watched her for years, secretly wondering what it
would be like to kiss her sweet lips, her lush body. She was my own personal walking,
talking, wet dream come true. Besides that, she was funny. Quick. And she d always
intimidated the hell out of me.
But what if&
 I confess, I never thought I d have this opportunity. For one, there aren t many
men I d trust enough for sex with multiple partners. Piper spoke softly, but confidently.
They could have been discussing the weather. That is until I realized she was trembling
 You ve known us for years, Ben countered.  We all grew up together.
 But we went our separate ways after high school. You both went away to college.
I did my studies here.
Ben gave her a look of impatience, as if he knew her objections were token at
best.  I think you know we d never do anything to hurt you. He gave her a wicked smile
before adding,  Unless you begged us to.
God! The thought of her begging me to fuck her, to take her until I d spent myself,
popped into my head and stuck. I could see her kneeling before me, those impossibly
large chocolate eyes looking up at me with lust and need as she stroked my cock before
guiding me into her mouth. It was an image I d not soon be rid of. I had known her all
my life and had never once thought of her like this. Well, at least not until after we d
come home from college. Still, I d never been uncomfortable around her until her
reputation as the Lady Viper became so legendary. Why was I so tongue-tied around
Piper now?
Because this was sex! The girl I d known had grown into the most gorgeous
woman I d ever seen, and I had no idea how to deal with it. But, Lord help me, I wanted
her like no other woman.
Piper nodded slowly, an innocent yet somehow seductive smile gracing her
perfect mouth.  Yes.
Ben reached out to take her hand, putting it to his mouth to kiss her fingers. My
best friend closed his eyes in bliss at the touch, making me ache to do the same. Before I
realized it, I covered her other hand with my own, giving it a squeeze. A veil of
impossibly long lashes closed as Piper seemed to revel in the sensations of our simple
touches as though she were already naked and in our arms. That was the moment I
knew this was really going to happen. Bennett and I were going to have Piper Day
writhing between us in a lust-filled mass of raw nerves and desire.
Instead of anticipating the moment as I should, I found myself more nervous
than I had been the first time I d been with a woman. I had no idea why. I mean, The
Viper never came back to the same man. It was likely a one-time thing no matter what.
But, damn, I wanted it to be more!
 Maybe this isn t such a good idea, I said, even as I brought her fingers to my
own mouth the same way Ben had. Her skin smelled wonderful, making me want to
nibble my way up her arm to her shoulder. What would her lips taste like?
 Of course it is, Piper said, her voice steadier than mine.  In fact, I think I ll have
to insist. Of course, Ben flashed her a wicked grin. As much as I wanted this--craved
this--I knew I was in over my head. One taste of Piper and I knew I d be lost. I d never be
able to willingly let her go.
Chapter Three
As I sped toward Bennett s apartment, I had to laugh. Piper, the Viper s hands
were actually sweating with nerves. I d had my share of lovers, but always, every single
one of them, I d imagined it was either Bennett or Justin who made love to me. I had
never been able to decide which of them I wanted more. Now, I didn t have to choose.
Which was both good and bad. Good because I was getting what I wanted. Bad
because I couldn t keep them. Worse, would they think me a freak or some kind of
pervert for doing this? It wasn t something I wanted them to think of me, but there was
no way I was passing up this opportunity.
I pulled into the driveway behind Bennett. A moment later, Justin pulled in
beside me, obviously careful not to block me in. Ben opened my door, offering a hand to
help me out of the car. Instead of simply walking me to the house with my hand in his,
he pulled me into his arms until my body was pressed tightly to his larger, harder one.
 Tell me you want this. Not like you wanted any other encounter with a man. Tell
me you want us.
The breath left my body in a rush. Did he know my secret obsession with the two
of them? Did he have a clue how badly I d wanted them both from the time I was a
 I do want this, I answered, not elaborating.
Swearing, he kept hold of my hand as he headed to the house. He had the door
open in a flash and pushed me inside. Justin followed closely behind, shutting and
locking the door.
 You know what I mean, Ben growled before taking my lips with his. His kiss
was more than a little desperate. Could he be as hungry for me as I was for him? And
what about Justin&
As if thinking his name brought him to me, Justin was behind me, hands on my
hips, sliding up my ribcage to cup my breasts. Were his hands trembling?  God, Justin
breathed, his words feathering over my neck as he spoke.  You smell good& 
There were so many dynamics going on I had no hope of keeping up. Justin, the
shy boy from school, was boldly caressing my breasts while Bennett, the super jock, was
trying to demand something from me he knew I wouldn t give. Only, I wanted to give it
to them both! And not just the sex, either. I wanted my fairytale. I wanted both men for
more than just sex.
While Bennett kissed me so dominantly, Justin bunched my shirt in his fists and
whipped it off me. Ben and I had to break contact, but it was worth it to be free of the
confining material. My bra soon followed, and I stood between them naked from the
waist up. I fumbled with the buttons to Ben s shirt only to have him bat my hands away
as he yanked it off impatiently. Buttons went flying in all directions. More rustling of
clothing followed by a hard, warm chest pressed into my back told me Justin had gotten
rid of his shirt as well.
There was no way I could suppress a groan of pleasure. Both men were
wonderfully muscled. Justin was smaller and leaner, but I could feel the muscles of his
chest where they rested against me and the steel in his arms as they slid around under
my breasts. Justin s lips found my neck even as Ben kissed me with that frantic taking of
my mouth.
 Get her to the fucking bed, Ben, Justin growled. It was very un-Justin like.
Strange it should excite me to know the calm, always-in-control Justin was that far
gone. Ben lifted his head, breaking our kiss, and I felt more than a little bereft. I must
have whimpered because Justin whirled me around to face him. I expected him to take
my lips in a fierce kiss, but he framed my face with his hands.  We re going to give you
so much pleasure, Piper. The little line between his brows deepened, and he looked
nearly pained.
 I have no doubt of that, Justin, I managed to get out, though my throat was
suddenly dry. I needed more from these two, and I needed it now.
Without another word, Ben scooped me up and carried me down the hall to his
bedroom. The intense look of determination on his face nearly made me weep with
need. So much for being the infamous Lady Viper. These two men had me nearly in
tears with wanting them, not the other way around.
I expected Ben to toss me onto the bed, but he set me on my feet carefully, his
gaze on my face.  Tell me what you want, Piper. He lowered his lips to my face, kissing
along my cheek to my ear where he nipped at the lobe.  Tell& me& 
How the fuck was I supposed to answer when he was playing with me like this? I
heard Justin removing his jeans before he unfastened mine and slid them down my legs
along with my panties. He caressed every inch of my legs with his rough palms. Funny
that. I thought his hands would be softer. But I should have known. Justin was every
inch a man or I wouldn t have been attracted to him. It went without saying that Bennett
was all masculine muscle but feeling them, seeing them& God! How could one woman
be so lucky as to make love to both of them?
Justin s lips now followed his hands, kissing, licking, and nipping my skin. I know
I squealed when he nipped the underside of my ass, but there was no way to stop it. Or
the rush of moisture that wept from my cunt.
Instinctively, I widened my stance to give Justin better access to me. If he
wanted, I was more than happy to give. Ben dipped his dark head to my breast, kissing
and licking my nipple until there was absolutely no way to form a coherent thought. Not
when both men were playing my body so expertly.
Ben let go of me long enough to work on his jeans, but Justin stood, turning me
in his arms and lifting me until I simply wrapped my legs around his waist. Which
brought his cock in direct contact with my exposed and weeping cunt.
 Ah! I wasn t sure if it was me or Justin who cried out. Possibly both. But Ben
was right there, lying on the bed and pulling me on top of him, my back to his chest.
 Oh, yes, my little Piper. Ben s voice was rough, gravelly in his lust.  I think you
want us far more than you re willing to let on. In fact, he continued,  I m willing to bet
you already want more from us than one night.
How could he know? And what would he do with that knowledge?
 I&  I wanted to deny it, but the lie burned in my throat.
 Tell me, he insisted, his cock now nudging at my entrance. Ben was so close to
being inside me, but he held himself still, waiting my answer.
 Not going to say it? Well, maybe we can coax you into it.
I felt him nod, and Justin settled between Ben s legs, pushing mine apart where I
lay on my back on top of Ben, lifting my thighs so my lower legs were on the outside of
Bennett s legs. With a groan nearly as desperate as I felt, Justin lowered his head to my
cunt and made a long, slow swipe from my pussy to my clit. There was no way to stifle
my cry of pure erotic pleasure. I felt Ben s cock jump against me, but still he remained
 Again, Ben said before Justin dove in again. This time, he licked all around my
sex, stopping to suck in my clit from time to time. My flesh was swollen from his
suckling, slick from the sensual torment they both dished out to me.  She s trembling,
Justin, Ben continued.  Can you feel the delicious tremors flowing through her body
from what we re doing to her?
 She tastes good, Justin said, his voice just as gruff as Ben s.  Her cunt s wet
with need.
 We ll give her what she wants, Ben said.  All she has to do is tell us what that
might be.
 Oh, God! I cried out, nearly beyond caring if they knew how much I needed
this.  Please. I d never begged for sex. But then I d never felt this desperate before,
 Tell me. Ben whispered his command in my ear, a breath of sweet seduction.
 You, I forced out, my voice wavering.  Both of you.
 For how long?
 I--tonight. It was a lie. I knew it. I had the feeling Ben knew it as well.
 Really, he said, adjusting his cock so that the head slipped inside me, but no
more. I cried out when he didn t move, sweat erupting over my skin to make my body
slick against his.  Because that doesn t sound like the cry of a woman in it for the
 No! I cried the denial. But denial of what?  I want it all! The moment the
words left my mouth, I felt as if a weight was lifted from my chest. This was an attraction
I had denied far too long. One I couldn t deny any longer.
Chapter Four
The instant the admission left Piper s lips, I surged forward. She had been too
long away from me, from Justin. No longer. When I d first suggested this among the
three of us, it had seemed like an impulse. One to get Piper to stay with me long enough
to earn her affection. Now, I realized it was fate. She needed something only both of us
could give her, and we both needed her like we needed to breathe. I could see it in
Justin s eyes when he looked at her. He hadn t wanted to admit it because he was afraid
she was out of his league, but now, I doubted he d give her up so easily. I knew I
wouldn t.
I began a hard, driving rhythm from underneath Piper as Justin continued to lick
and flick her clit. Piper s breasts bounced with every surge forward I made. My hands
were at her waist, but I slid them up her sides to her arms. Urging her arms up around
my neck I settled my hands on her breasts, catching the nipples between my fingers as I
fucked her.
 Ben, she gasped.  Justin& 
Her crying of his name, as if there were something she needed of him, prompted
Justin to crawl up her body. He nipped one nipple between my fingers as he settled
himself between her thighs.
 If we re going to do this, I said to him,  take care. Do not hurt her.
Justin s look of annoyance masked his first response of offense that I felt the need
to remind him to be careful. If there was one thing I knew about Justin it was that he d
never, ever hurt a woman. Even during sex play.
The lubricant and condoms were in the drawer next to the bed. It took Justin only
a couple of seconds to snag it and flip open the top. A couple more seconds to sheathe
and grease both of us liberally before once again assuming his position between Piper s
legs as I sought the haven of her body once more.
 Do you want me inside you too, baby? Justin asked even as he positioned
himself at her entrance alongside my own cock. I had a fleeting thought that I should I
should be a little more concerned that my best friend was about to slide his cock inside
Piper s cunt along with mine. Our cocks would be mashed together very intimately.
Normally, I might have at least flinched, but not now.
Piper whimpered in my arms, her hips working my cock even as she looked
straight at Justin.  I do, she said, her voice husky and sexy.  Please, Justin. I need it so
I could tell Justin moved carefully, seeking entrance as he moved his cock around
the rim of her cunt until he slipped inside. We all groaned. The sensations pressing
against my dick were unlike anything I d ever known. I had to grit my teeth to keep from
plunging inside her in a frenzy of lust. But Piper had to be stretched full.
 Talk to me, Piper, I said.  We don t want to accidentally hurt you.
 You re not, she moaned.  Oh, God, you re not hurting me! More!
Who were we to disappoint?
It took several minutes to get it right, but the learning was part of the fun. Piper s
body accommodated us beautifully. She responded beautifully as well.
When Piper screamed, I stopped abruptly, fearing we d hurt her, but then I felt
her cunt gripping and milking my own as she came.
 Fuck me! I gasped as I surged inside her once more. My heart swelled with the
knowledge Justin and I had made her come. Swelled even more that she clung to both of
us, one of her arms still around my neck, the other hand clutching Justin s muscled
shoulder like a lifeline.
 Ah, God! she screamed again.  I m coming again!
When her cunt squeezed us once again, there was no hope of holding back my
own orgasm. I looked directly into Justin s eyes as my orgasm crashed over me. Judging
by the pulsing of his cock, Justin came right along with us. We held gazes until we d
both spent ourselves.
When the storm had past, Justin and I rolled to our sides, taking Piper with us,
sandwiching her between our bodies. No one spoke for several moments, content to
simply hold each other.
 I don t want to leave, she finally confessed quietly.  I do want more.
 I know, I said, smiling into her hair.  You belong with us and us with you.
 How long have you known?
 Well&  I nipped her shoulder before licking the same spot to ease any ache I
might have caused.  I knew I wanted you. I just didn t realize how much Justin needed
you too.
 I can t let either of you go, she said, looking back at me, something like pleading
in her beautiful chocolate eyes.
 You don t have to, baby, I said, leaning in to kiss the tip of her nose.
 Never, Justin confirmed.  We can work this out together.
She turned to look at Justin before smiling.  So much for me being the Viper. I
think the two of you struck before I even realized you were on me.
Justin snorted.  I m not sure about that, but you ve had me under your spell since
high school.
 As long as the result is the same, I don t care which of us is the viper. I
chuckled.  Though Lady Viper is kinda sexy.
She wiggled her bottom, making my cock twitch in interest.  Clean up, and I ll
show you just how sexy, she teased, again arching her backside against me.
 I m in, Justin said, giving her a quick, hard kiss before jumping up and heading
for the bathroom.
 The Viper s coming back for seconds? I raised a teasing eyebrow.
 And thirds, she responded instantly.  And fourths, and fifths, and& 


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