The Modern Dispatch 005 More MPC Options

The Modern Dispatch
status). They spent huge amounts of time with friends,
More MPC Options talking in character through various role-playing
By Arthur  Brooklyn Knight Borko, Lasse  Zouron games they buy with their paychecks from jobs they
Olsen, Shawn Muder don t really like. They escape the reality of their hard
life by climbing into a science fiction or fantasy world
Inspired by the Game Mechanics Modern Players where action and heroism are real and that they can
Companion. take part in as a hero (or the villain). Many gamers
will take it a step further by becoming a writer for
role-playing game companies, in order to gain respect
New Occupations
for what they do with their fellows.
Prerequisite: Age 8+
Skills: Choose three of the following skills as
permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already a
Some of those who live outside the law find
class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on checks
themselves behind a computer screen rather than
using it. Computer Use (Int), Craft (writing) (Int),
Content Manager:
climbing through dark windows. These men and
Disguise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Gamble (Wis),
Charles Rice and Chris Davis
women are known as hackers/crackers and unsecured
Knowledge (popular culture), Perform (Cha), and
information is their cup of tea and what they make
Read/Write Language (None).
their money with by stealing and selling it to the
Chris Davis Feats: Choose either Educated or Creative (Craft
highest bidder. However, not all hackers are crooks. In
(writing) and Perform (act) only)
fact, some of them work for the government against
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1
Donald Kiesling, Chris Davis
others who would steal sensitive information. Many
software and networking companies will hire hackers
to protect their products and information from their
Equipment Packages
not-so-legal brethren.
Prerequisite: Age 15+
Skills: Choose three of the following skills as Athlete Package
permanent class skills. If a skill you select is already This package is good for characters that spent much
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
a class skill, you gain a +1 competence bonus on of their time training and participating in sport events.
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
checks using it. Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), It has equipment that will be helpful for those who
Disable Device (Computers Only) (Int), Forgery enjoys an outdoor life.
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
(Int), Investigate (Int), Repair (Int), Knowledge
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
(Technology, Hacker Scene, Streetwise) (Int), and
United States and other countries and are used
Basic Package
Sense Motive (Wis).
with permission
Backpack, Baseball Bat (Club), Binoculars (Standard),
Bonus Feats: Select either Gearhead or Meticulous
Cell phone, Climbing Gear, Clothing (Casual),
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2
 d20 System and the  d20 System logo are
Compass, Digital Audio Recorder, Duct Tape, Duffle
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
Bag, Fanny Pack, First Aid Kit, Flashlight (standard),
used according to the terms of the d20 System
Map (Road Atlas), Mesh Vest, Multipurpose Tool,
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
Portable Stove, Rope (150 ft.), Sleeping Bag, Tent (2-
More of a hobby than a career, the gamer sees him
be found at
person Dome), Uniform, Windbreaker
or herself as a lifelong geek (and are proud of that
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The Modern Dispatch
Wealth Bonus +5
Compound Bow, Arrows (24), Scope (Standard)
Using Equipment Packages
To use the equipment packages, follow the steps below:
Wealth Bonus +7 1. Determine your character s starting Wealth bonus normally.
Leather Jacket, Rapier. 2. Select an equipment package for your character.
3. Your character automatically gets the equipment listed in the Basic Package, regardless of starting
Wealth bonus.
Wealth Bonus +9
Record this equipment on the character sheet.
Dodge Neon.
4. Each package has three additional entries, each listed with a minimum Wealth bonus. If your character
has a starting
Bohemian Package Wealth bonus equal to or higher than the listed number, add that equipment to the character sheet as well.
This package is good for people whom don t want to 5. When you are done, subtract from your character s starting Wealth bonus the number of the highest
live under society s rules, or who spends a great deal package you selected for your character. The result is your character s current Wealth bonus. (If you took
of her life as an activist. It has equipment that will be only the Basic Package your character s current Wealth bonus is +0.)
helpful for a life on the road as well as equipment for 6. You may add to the character sheet any additional items with a purchase DC of 14 or lower.
exposing the illegal activities of corporations such 7. You may exchange any item from any package for any other non-restricted item with an equal or lower
as dumping environmentally dangerous material in purchase DC.
environmentally sensitive areas.
Basic Package Wealth Bonus +8
Bureaucrat Package
Binoculars (standard), Bolt Cutter, Camera (Digital), Designer Outfit (Formal)
This package is good for people who spent their lives
Canteen (0.5 qt), Clothing (Casual), Day Pack, Duffle
in corporation and political administration. It contains
bag, Fanny Pack (2 lb.), First Aid kit, Instrument,
Wealth Bonus +10
equipment helpful that will be helpful to people
Knife, Leather Jacket, Map (Road Atlas), Mesh Vest,
Acura 3.2 TL
whom need to keep a presentable image as well as a
Money Belt, Outerwear (Overcoat), Pepper Spray,
systematic approach to a life containing administrating
Portable Stove, Portal Video Camera, Rope (150 ft),
information and holding meetings.
Sleeping Bag, Stun Gun, Tent (4-person dome) Craftsperson Package
This package is good for any character who works
Basic Package
making or repairing specific types of items or
Wealth Bonus +4
Box Magazine, Brief Case, Caller ID Defeater,
machinery. It contains equipment helpful for these
Fake ID, Disguise kit (Basic), Mechanical tool kit
Camera (Digital), Cell phone, Clothing (Casual),
tasks in all weathers.
Clothing (Business), Designer Outfit (Business),
Digital Audio Recorder, Holster (Concealed), Forgery
Basic Package
Wealth Bonus +6
Kit, Laser Pointer, Laser Sight, Outerwear (Coat),
Bolt Cutter, Camera (35mm), Cell phone, Clothing
Multifunction PDA/Cell-phone
Pager, Pathfinder, PDA, Stun Gun, Suppressor (pistol),
(Casual), Contractor s field bag, Duct Tape, Duffle
Tap Detector, Wheeled Suitcase (50lb capacity)
Bag, Electrician Tool Kit (Basic), Film, Flash
Wealth Bonus +8
Goggles, Flashlight (Battery flood), Flashlight
Dodge Caravan (Used)
Wealth Bonus +6
(Standard), Flashlight (pen point), Hip Boots, Knife,
Clothing (Formal), Multi-Function PDA/Cell phone
Laser Pointer, Map (Road Atlas), Mechanical Tool kit
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The Modern Dispatch
(Basic), Multipurpose Tool, Outerwear (Coat), Pager,
Wealth Bonus +14 Basic Package
Rain Poncho, Tool Belt, Uniform, Walkie Talkie
BMW M3 Box Magazine, Briefcase, Camera (Digital), Camera
Bag (5 lbs), Clothing (Casual), Clothing (Formal),
Daypack, Designer Outfit (Casual), Digital Audio
Domestic Package
Wealth Bonus +6 Recorder, Flashlight (Standard), Holster (Concealed
This package contains equipment for people whom
Mechanical Tool kit (Deluxe), PDA Carry), Laser Pointer, Leather Jacket, Modem
serve others in their daily lives, such as butlers or
(Broadband), Multipurpose Tool, Outerwear (Coat),
drivers. It has equipment that will be helpful dealing
Pepper Spray, Portable Video Camera, Printer, Rain
Wealth Bonus +8
with situations as different as repairing the car or
Poncho, Scanner, Stun Gun
Electrician Tool Kit (Deluxe)
protecting the master from criminals.
Wealth Bonus +5
Wealth Bonus +10
Basic Package
Colt Double Eagle, PDA
Dodge Caravan
Aluminum Travel Case (10 lbs.), Box Magazine,
Cell phone, Clothing (Casual), Colt Double Eagle,
Wealth Bonus +7
Holster (Concealed Carry), Mechanical Tool Kit
Dilettante Package
Computer (Desktop)
(Basic), Multipurpose Tool, Light Undercover Shirt,
This package contains equipment for people who live
Outerwear (overcoat), Pager, PDA, Pepper
a life of wealth and appearance. It contains a number
Wealth Bonus +9
Spray, Rain Poncho, Tool Belt, Uniform, Windbreaker
of expensive equipment for people whom are born to
Chevrolet Cavalier
Wealth Bonus +5
Walkie Talkie (Professional), Electrical Tool Kit
Basic Package Gamer Package
Aluminum Travel Case, Backpack, Beretta 92F, This package is good for people who love RPGs and
Binoculars (Electro-Optical), Box Magazine, Camera the imaginary world that they resolve around. It has
(35mm), Clothing (Formal), Designer Outfit (Casual), Wealth Bonus +7 equipment that are a must, from miniatures to the
Designer Outfit (Formal), Film, Flashlight (Standard), Computer (Desktop) Sunday game, to a long sword to demonstrate how
Ghillie Suit, GPS Receiver, Holster (Hip), Instrument, weapon finesse is (or isn t) possible with none light
Laser Sight, Light Undercover Vest, Map (Road weapons.
Wealth Bonus +9
Atlas), Mesh Vest, Modem (Cellular), Multi-function
Chevrolet Cavalier
PDA/Cell phone, Multipurpose Tool, Outerwear
Basic Package
(Overcoat), Pepper Spray, Scope (Standard), Sleeping
Aluminum Travel Case (40 lbs. Capacity), Camera
Bag, Tent (2-person dome) Educator Package
(Digital), Clothing (Business), Clothing (Casual),
This package is good for people whom like to teach
Daypack, Gaming Library (Purchase DC 10),
others. It provides equipment that helps improve the
Wealth Bonus +10 Knife, Leather Jacket, Long sword, Miniature
quality of their education by providing everything
Computer (Notebook), Remington 700 Collection (Purchase DC 10), Modem (Broadband),
from home made videos, to a day trip through the
Multipurpose Tool, PDA, Printer, Rapier, Scanner,
open country with the class.
Wealth Bonus +12
Harley Davidson FLSTF
Wealth Bonus +5
Gaming Library (Purchase DC 18), Cell phone
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The Modern Dispatch
Wealth Bonus +7 Basic Package Wealth Bonus +11
Desktop Computer Aluminum Travel Case, Beretta 92F, Binocular Acura 3.2 TL
(Standard), Brass Knuckles, Briefcase, Camera
(Digital), Cell phone, Clothing (Business), Clothing
Wealth Bonus +9
Tribal Package
(Casual), Digital Audio Recorder, Evidence Kit
Chevrolet Cavalier
This package is just right for people whom are of the
(Deluxe), Flashlight (Penlight), Flashlight (Standard),
wild, whom might not know a whole lot about the
Holster (Concealed Carry), Light Undercover West,
city, but everything about what s outside the civilized
Hacker Package Lock Release Gun, Multipurpose Tool, Range Pack
world. It contains equipment for surviving and
This package is good for people who spent all their (standard), Receiver Tap, Walkie Talkie (Professional).
traveling across the country.
lives sitting in front of a computer playing games,
hacking into the national bank, or finding security
Wealth Bonus +6
breeches for corporations. It has all the equipment one Basic Package
Portable Video Camera, Binoculars (Electro-optical)
need to surf the web undetected. Arrow (10), Backpack, Binoculars (standard),
Canteen (2 qt.), Climbing Gear, Clothing (Casual),
Wealth Bonus +8
Coat, Compass, Compound Bow, Fatigues, Flashlight
Basic Package
Computer (Desktop)
(standard), Holster (Hip), GPS (receiver), Knife,
Black Box, Caller ID Defeater, Camera (Digital),
Map (Road Atlas), Mesh Vest, Pathfinder, Scope
Clothing (Business), Clothing (Casual), Designer
Wealth Bonus +10
(Standard), Sleeping Bag, Tent (2-person dome),
Suit (Business), Electrical Tool Kit (Deluxe), Fake
Ford Escape XLT
ID, Modem (Broadband), Modem (Cellular), Multi-
Function PDA/Cell phone, Outerwear (Coat), Pepper
Spray, Printer, Portable Hard drive, Scanner, Tap Wealth Bonus +5
Politico Package
Detector Leather Jacket, Winchester 94
This package is right for people whose life is based
around making deals and public relations. It has the
Wealth Bonus +6 equipment needed to be presentable in any situation. Wealth Bonus +7
Computer (Desktop), Computer Upgrade (Desktop) Portable Satellite Phone
Basic Package
Wealth Bonus +8 Box Magazine, Briefcase, Cell phone, Clothing Wealth Bonus +9
Computer (Notebook) (Business), Clothing (Formal), Designer Outfit Harley Davidson FLSTF
(Business), Designer Outfit (Formal), Digital
Audio Recorder, Holster (Concealed), Laser Sight,
Wealth Bonus +10
Outerwear (Coat), Pager, PDA, SITES M9, Stun Gun
Ford Crown Victoria
Wealth Bonus +7
Investigative Package
Computer (Desktop), Printer
This package is good for people whom like to spend
time around crime scene looking for clues or to
Wealth Bonus +9
overcome various obstacles related to an investigation
Computer (Notebook)
of a crime. It has equipment to find evidence,
protection against villains and ever to enter places
where its owner isn t wanted.
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