Inttoltation Statui

MAIIAB* 6 provid*s now loob thoł mok« il easy k> occoss tł* power ot MAIIAB and interfoco wilh uttemaJ program* and dolo. TKew łoob indude:
• fl* MAJIAS desktop, o oset interfoce for monoging dato, fHa, and oppGcorions
• lasy-to-osc pbtting toob for interoctive plot crcobon
• Doto Stohstics and Bask friting interfoces for qukk onatysis
• Import Wizord for prrriewing and importing dato ffc* in o rangę oł formots
• Jova interfoce for cating Jovo and looding Jara objects from MARAS
• Serial port interfoce to commonicote with devices from MARAS
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Settng \ję> Het lor rrwylsb «chrve He
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