278 Karolina Ruta, Marta Wrześniewska-Pietrzak

Z a r ę b i n a M., Gąsiorek K., 2005, Świat wartości w języku studentów krakowskich przełomu wieków: teksty z lat 1996-2002 z AGH, ASP, UJ, WSP, AE, AR, AM, AWF, Kraków.


The new image of the students' language

keywords: linguistic consciousness of youth, youth language, sociolect.

Słowa kluczowe: świadomość językowa młodzieży, język młodzieży, socjolekt.

The article reveals research on the students’ language analysis. The authors have prepared ąuestionnaire that was presented to students of different universities in Poznań. Additionally, students’ internet forums were analyzed. The lexical materiał enabled us to present the new image of the students’ language nowadays and compare it to the Dictionary (Lexicon) of the students’ dialect which collects the materiał that was vivid among students in 1960. The differences which occurred refer to the new reality of student, new technolo-gies, new ways of studying etc. The very characteristic feature of the contemporary students’ language is the process of narrowing students’ lexis. Many of the semantic fields are typical not only to the students’ ways of speaking, but they occur in other styles.


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