
large Buildmgs Represent Appronimately $2 milion

Billions hm been lost in the stock market sińce the recession started Where is all that money being traded?

Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)

Market Value:$1.35Trillion Share Tumover $491 Billion



London Stock Exchange (LSE)

Market Value: $2.20 Trillion Share Tumover: $1.48 Trillion


Market Value: $2.26 Trillion Share Tumover. $74} Billion

Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)

Market Value. $1.13 Tnllion Share Turnover $1.10 Trillion


Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)

Market Yalue: $2.07 Tnllion Share Tumover: $1.69 Trillion


Madrid Stodt Exchange

Market Value: $1.08 Trillion Share Turnover: $591 Billion



New York Stock Exchange (NYSĘ)

Market Value: $9.57 Trillion Share Tumwer $7.99 Trillion

Nitloiul AiwKution o f S«<arltłM DMten Automat ul QuoUtk»m


Market Value: $2.77 Trillion | Share Tunwret $12.26 Trillion


Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)

Manet Yalue: $3.1 Tnmoo Share Tumover: S1.56 Trillion

Sao Paolo Stock Exchange

Market Yalue $920 Billion Share Tumover: $192 Billion

Swiss Exchange (SWX)

Market Value: $854 Billion Share Turnowr $202 Billion

Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

Market Yalue: $1.03 Trillion Share Turrwwer: $84 Billion

Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)

Share Tumover S519 Billion

National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)

Market Value: $969 Billion Share Tumom: $243 Billion

Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE)

Market Yalue: >605 Billion Share Tumover $117 Billion

Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

Market Yalue: $839B4kon Share Tumover. $273 Billion


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