Morę recent change - English language in the world - large cities - dramatically rising-Asian - English in constant dialogue with other languages
The story of English - story of certain imperialism
British Empire - extend & impose the rule of your culture
Political aspects of educating/teaching language
Before Industrial Revolution INDUSTRY meant a particular human attribute - a skill, assiduity, perseverance, diligence.
Joshua Reynolds - "Ifyou have great talents, industry will improve them, if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency."
Adjective "industrial" - one of the words which define the contemporary world
Definite - 19th century
Today - postindustrial world- still industry - important screen against which we screen our lives
Crucial word to define our times
Draw attention to the fact - words are not innocent - they carry their heritage, meaning, history
Etymology - the word was used before -before industrial revolution
Happened to mean something else - referred to a certain human attribution, not an external situation
Human being - could be characterized by certain skills, diligence, perseverance, assiduity, dedication
It did not describe the word - set of values, features; by working somebody has skill, he or she wanted to develop
Industrious person
Joshua Reynolds - painting - if you have great talents, industry will prove them, develop yourself- bring certain features, talents, dedication, assiduity, develop work on these talents and improve them