Jtnj II. Cttmbor1. Lottur Frc**^. (ImIi V«hłm: and FJrlnrta (Vrmhar‘

•llMkl    MtUmtOtttkm lmiil«lr-N*lMul Koranh ImiikU IIUK P1R. Rad ufam.    llfanic. IfaUnd

'JuUiii KUtio- Inlltst, Fnkral Ronnt Cntirtar CsłUisfad dali (JKI i. laudolr for Krmłucc Rnanti m .tpiniUDnl Crupw (JunUInkit, (imau)

m rn-H«tmUnE aulhurr J.Krmufar w UuudaLpl

> Mm» IhMl Nil id Ifa IhUI «rr* W ISfaad. U. IO mDm facUm fa mad far wiilun. Oniuoi. mw JJ? Ifauuad IfiUin.    : U?iWjbI knlun jad paitarr T?4 lt»nd fatum.

Ihr utlnllwi to IfaUnd K iJuralnUnl h a Urp IntonOUM id Una fciUfagi. Apnlfaal fndoUa immIIIImmi ilUlrf la ISiUml mmyand lo Ifaw ad ulfaf 11! aamilk-k A noiUimfa pin 4 linan jfflt ItaUlIfałl poufal lina In koili<; aat eSeoU eertnUleul predaiti fc< laalh w*.

In Mud. rWU <mp» «nir ippmloihli a'i ml jjnuJlail lad ad akak fiu aua cm

ladmllUI and ml faaifaf |danH l—k M|i aypnaUauMt *»♦. W al II 4fa ikmual hnum mlllialmn Ja iUCrT.

I la pnalwllim id łrpUhW-. aad IniMa team a aaaU IraclM ad imaj ad apMafcaral laad. U*, md Jt fnlmtlnlj, )łl Jmatkultiual j*U»l> ualtthair infatiałUlti UfaWf aad falraifaitRa grertk dfimMi Ja IpMlMlt

litr dUimil) U nu far snaifa ad (layi ipntn (twa Ja Mml a nlktlrd fa Ifa faul aiaJ rr ad tfntrt ImItaUtał lii lla Salkaud Ńttfcbf lat IVM. uplaJfa aad fiaM trap*. ta Mai. Iła ipikyd a|Uifca*ait IVtd. 5> alt irtrUhfat aad £1 att Iran a|antn. »m urufWd lar idUiafa ta Sfa Ottr Ifa Lm4 I! )UIV. Ifa naatlar at irtUlitrd ifaln dniraail Iraai afftatiauttli * l< U (a IWU im lanatd IW irtrUlfa niipi aad iimtimd tifaiaulih Ifa urn far lr«u infi

a Stnnglhi

a Weakneases

a Country wlth conilderable błodhrersity

•    Ctsar gowommantal control on Ihn PGR udor

•    Th a national gonebank system Is wsil organlscd > Ttis sccsss to germplasm Is pravldsd vla th«

gonebnnk wcbslte

•    The cooperatlon bstwnn sil stakeholder groups Is Wflll dcv»loped

■ Ths coopsratlon wlth EU psrtnsrs Is establlthed and bencflts tho national system

a NGOs ars actlwe but havs a llmltsd Impact dus to InsufTłdent msans

a Only fsw projects ars focusssd on the utlllsatlon of! CWR

• Ths collaboratlon bstwssn sil stakeholder groups In. ths field of sschangs and documantatlan of charactsrłsation and evalustlon data Is not wali! organ Ised

a Ths sesd tradc market lacks regulatlon and contra!

a Opportunlties

a Thmats

a Incrcasc of tho effkatcy of ths Pollsh genebank system through Ihe AEG1S process > Devslopment of market nich es for natiwc species / reglonal Products a Impravement of the publlc Interes* In agrobiodiversity Issues through the support of agro-NGO sector

• Dcvelopment of agrabIodlversity friendły IrmlnairalJ fanmlna nOrmc

a Dccreasing Staff capacities In ths publlc PGR sector ■ Insufflcłent flnandal mcans reguł red to lmprave the! flow of characterisation and evaluatlon data between stakeholder*

a A Loo strong focus of breedlng research, pre-breeding and breedlng on major crops > Lack of IncmUecs to use LR and CWR fn long-tcrm base broadening programs of companles


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