to be obtained Bathelor of Science
Duration 3.5 years (7 semesters)
Language English
ECTSpoints 210
Programme Studentswillgain interdisciplinaryknowledgecoveringall fieldsof technologyand environmental management:ecology.
description protection of soil, water and air, environmental policy, economics and organization of environmental protection plus
implementation of new Chemical technologies of emrironmental protection.
Entry Completion of high school (12 or morę years of education sińce primary school).
requirements Basic knowledge of mathematics, physicsand chemistry.
Comments Lectures, tu torials, lab exercises, design projects, fieldwork.
At least 50 universities, mainly from Europę, but also from the US and Canada
Gdańsk University of Technology
address: ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12,80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
phone: t48 58 347 27 59
fax: +48 58 3A7 2694
e-mail: wojtek_c(®pg,gda.pl
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