Move-To change in position from one point to another Raise-increase in pay, grow, increase Deserve-To be worthy of; merit Several-a few

Interchange-to change places with each other,exchange

Sign-An act or gesture nsed to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command Noticed-The act of noting or observing; perception or attention Empty-Holding or containing nothing

Accountant-a person who maintains and audits business accounts Cheerful-Being in good spirits; merry

Remove-To move from a place or position occupied,eliminate

Rumour- information, often a mixture of trufli and untmth, told by one person to another

Orculate- To move in or flow through a circle or Circuit


Based-To assign to a base; station

Subtle-Characterized by skill or ingenuity; clever. Difficult to understand; abstruse Boost-increase, raise

Enhance-To make greater, as in value, beauty, or effectiveness; augment.make advanced Prospect-Sometliing expected; a possibility, chance Add-to combi ne

Value-an amount,as of goods, services, or money Expense-An expenditure of money; a cost

Mortgage-A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt Ailing-feel ill or have a pain

contribution-A payment exacted for a special purpose; an impost or a levy Productivity-The ratę at which goods or services are produced especially output per unit of labor.

Pinpoint-Sometliing extremely smali or trifling, veiy smali or sliarp point Comparative-Relating to, based on, or involving comparison.

Recall-remember recollect Division -the act of dividing or sharing out Underpaid-notpaid as much as the job deserves Peer-to look intently

Random-Having nospecific pattern, purpose, orobjective Plunge-To become suddenly lower; decrease dramatically Refusal-the opportunity of reject or accept Remain-To continue in the same State or condition


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