Toluene (Commercial Grade)

Vers>on 1.0    Revision Datę 2012-06-07


Methods for deaning up

: Wipe up with absorbent materiał (e g.doth.fleece) Keep in suitable, dosed containers for disposal.



Aóvice on safe handling

Electrostatic charge may accumulate and create a hazardous condition when handling this materiai. To minimize this hazard, bonding and grounding may bo nocossary. but may not by them$elves be sufficient. Review all operations, which have the potential to generatmg and accumulation of electrostatic charge and/or a flammable atmosphere (induding tank and Container filling. splash filling. tank cleaning. samplmg. gaugmg, switch loading, filtering. mixing, agitation, and vacuum truck operations) and use appropriate mittgabng procedures. For morę information. ref er to OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.106 "Flammable and Combustible liquids"; National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 77). "Recommended Practice on Static Electricity"; and/or the American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice 2003. "Protection Agamst Ignitions Arising Out of Static. Lightning, and stray Currents".

For personal protection see section 8. Smoking, eatmg and drinking should bo prohibded in the application area

Adv»ce on protection agamst fire and oxplosion

Normał measures for prevenlive fire protection.


Requirements for storage areas and contamers

: Electrical mstallations / working matenals must comply with the tochnological safety standards.

Advice on common storage

: No materials to be espeaally mentioned.


Enginoering measures

Adequate ventilation to contro! arborned concentrations below the exposure guiddines/lmits. Consider the potentia! hazards o(this materiał (see Section 2). applicable exposure limits. job actn/itios. and othcr substancos in the work place when design!ng engineermg Controls and selecting personal protective eguipment. If engineering Controls or work practices are not adequate to prevent exposure to harmful levels of this materiał, the personal protective equipment listed below is recommended The u ser should read and understand all instructions and limitations supplied with the equipment sińce protection is usuaily providod for a limited time or under certam circumstances

Personal protective eguipmont

Respiratory protection

: Wear a supplied-air NIOSH approved respirator unless

MSDS Num ber: 100000099



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