Ekonomicznej, Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne, Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, Pracodawcy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz Studenckie Koło Naukowe Przedsiębiorczości, działające przy Katedrze Zarządzania w Gospodarce SGH.
Niniejsza publikacja, wydana w nakładzie 6 tysięcy egzemplarzy, jest dystrybuowana do szkół ponadgimnazjalnych w całej Polsce.
Z życzeniami inspirującej lektury Organizatorzy
The Entrepreneurship Olympiad - knowledge, skills, attitudes
The Entrepreneurship Olympiad is an annual national competition addressed to pupils from secondary schools. It has been organized by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education with Universities of Economics from Cracow, Katowice, Poznan, Wrocław and the Warsaw School of Economics sińce 2005. The strategie partners of the Olympiad are: the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the National Bank of Poland.
The honorary partners of the sixth edition were the Minister of National Education and the Minister of Treasury. The patron of scholarship program was the BGZ Bank.
The contest is very popular amongyoung people. The first edition attracted an impressive number of 14 000 participants from over 730 schools, 19 000 from 931 schools applied for the second one, 15 000 from over 800 schools for the third one, almost 20 000 from over 1000 schools for the fourth one, over 21 000 from over 1100 schools for the fifth one and a similar number for the recent one.
The Olympiad aims at promoting and strengthening entrepreneurship among pupils of secondary schools, creating a positive climate over business activity and designing a didactic model which would support teachers in encouraging top-pupils to develop their interest in economy and to study at universities of economics. The required knowledge is compatible with the curriculum of the course on entrepreneurship taught at secondary schools. It is also each year enriched with one leitmotiv (so far, there were as follows: 'Ethics in Business' - 1st edition, 'Creating the Enterprise^ Value' - 2nd edition, 'Psychology of Business' - 3rd edition, 'Modern Management - Concepts and Methods' - 4lh edition, 'Marketing in the Enterprise - Mechanisms, Instruments, Strategies' - 5lh edition and 'Market lnvestor - Stock Exchange, Privatizations, Mergers and Acquisitions' - 6lh edition). 'Corporate Social Respon-sibility' is planned for the 7,h edition. Diverse aims and rangę of the Olympiad's themes result in a situation when both the knowledge of participants and the practical aspects: their entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours are being assessed. The knowledge is evaluated with the use of tests whereas attitudes and behaviours are graded during case studies, projects and presentations.
The publication, printed in 6000 copies, will be distributed for free to schools all over Poland. The book was published as part of 'Entrepreneurship Education' Program.