including number of ECTS points for direct teacher-student contact (BK) |
2 |
2 | |||
Cl Acquiring basie knowledge on classical mechanics, phenomenological thermodynamics, elements of ąuantum mechanics, nuclear physics and condensed matter physics
C2 Developing skills of qualitative understanding and interpreting as well as quantitative analyzing, based on the laws of physics, of selected physical effects and processes in classical mechanics, phenomenological thermodynamics, elements of quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and condensed matter physics_
SUBJECT EDUCATIONAL EFFECTS relating to knowledge, a student:
PEK_W01 - knows and can explain the basie laws of dynamics of a point particie, a system of point particles and rigid bodies; as well as oscillating motion and wave processes PEK_W02 — knows and can explain the basie laws of phenomenological thermodynamics PEK_W03 - Knows selected topics of modern physics: basie quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and solid State physics
relating to skills, a student:
PEK_U01 - can describe, both qualitatively and quantitatively, phenomena and processes in
engineering, using the basie laws of classical mechanics, in particular the laws of dynamics and conservation laws
PEK_U02 - can analyze, both qualitatively and quantitatively, physical problems in engineering, using the basie laws and principles of phenomenological thermodynamics PEK_U03 - can qualitatively describe and analyze problems in contemporary engineering using the laws and principles of modem physics
Form of classes - lecture |
Number of hours | |
Leci |
Introduction: scope and methodology of physics; the scientific method; physical magnitudes and units |
1 |
Lec2 |
Kinematics of a point particie |
2 |
Lec3 |
Dynamics of a point particie. Equations of motion in simple cases |
2 |
Lec4 |
Work and kinetic energy. Principle of energy conservation |
2 |
Lec5 |
Dynamics of Systems of point particles. Conservation of momentum |
2 |
Lec6 |
Dynamics of rotational motion; rigid body. Conservation of angular momentum |
3 |
Lec7 |
Oscillatory motion. Harmonie oscillator |
3 |
Lec8 |
Mechanical waves: description of waves, wave energy, interference, standing waves |
3 |
Lec9 |
Principles of thermodynamics, intemal energy, equipartition of energy |
2 |
Lec 10 |
Elements of the kinetic theory of ideał gases; Maxwell and Boltzmann distributions |
2 |
Leci 1 |
Basic quantum mechanics: States, wave function, energy quantization, tunneling |
2 |
Lec 12 |
Nuclear physics: structure of an atom, nuclear forces, radioactivity, fission and fusion |
3 |
Lec 13 |
Elements of condensed matter physics: band structure of solids, thermal conductivity of isolators, electrical and optical properties of solids |
3 |