Number of hours: classes 15 Teacher: Krystyna Witkowska, M.A.

Languagc of instruction: Polish

Prereąuisites: elementary knowledge from the field of teacher training

Expected educational results: Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to teach PE at primary and junior high schools.

Course contents:

•    teaching methods

•    task implementation in PE

•    educational methods

•    teaching process

•    lesson preparation - basis structure, scenario

•    lesson observation (at primary and junior high school)

Assessment: orał test closing the 4lh semester + lesson scenarios for gymnastics, athletics, and volleyball Bibliography:

•    S.Strzyżewski - "W-f poza salą gimnastyczną".

•    S.Strzyżewski - "Proces wychowania w kulturze fizycznej".

•    M.J.Kołodziejowie - "Wybrane lekcje wychowania fizycznego w klasach IV-VIH".

•    R.Jezierski - "Ćwiczenia kondycyjne i koordynacyjne ze współćwiczącym i przyborami".


Codę: 16.1GIM441

ECTS credits: 2

Course type: obligatory

Course level: intermediate/advanced

Year / Semester: 11/4

Number of hours: classes 15

Teacher: Janusz Kwieciński, PhD.

Language of instruction: Polish

Prereąuisites: Students should know elementary gymnastic exercises learned in primary and secondary schools and in the first semester.

Expected educational results: students will be able to demonstrate an exercise seąuence including exercises taught and trained throughout the semester on various devices (horizontal bar, rings, parallel bars), jumps and acrobatic-agility scheme. They will also have theoretical knowledge conceming gymnastic exercise and will be able to lead a series of shaping exercises with the accompaniment of musie.

Course contents:

•    methodology of teaching agility-acrobatic exercises (napę and head snatch, roundoff, back flick, forward pass)

•    methodology of teaching elementary exercises on rings (twists, leaning, jumping down), horizontal bars (leaning, spinning), symmetric bars (leaning, jumping down, shoulder stands), and jumps over vault and pommel horse

Assessment: active and regular class participation, adeąuate fitness level, ability to properly perform the trained gymnastic exercises.


•    K.Baranski, Technika I melodyka podstawowych ćwiczeń gimnastycznych, AWF Warszawa 1976

•    K.Cybulski, Ćwiczenia gimnastyczne ze współćwiczącym, Warszawa 1969

•    A.Drobnik, A.Szajna, K.Paszkiewicz, W.Szewc, Gimnastyka, Bydgoszcz 1997

•    J.Eider, Technika i metodyka wybranych ćwiczeń z zakresu gimnastyki sportowej. Uniwersytet Szczeciński 1997

•    R.Jezierski, A.Rybnicka, Gimnastyka - teoria i metodyka, Wrocław 1996

•    H. Młokosiewicz, Gimnastyka, Warszawa-Poznań 1976

•    M.Nowak, Gimnastyka

   Z.Szot, Ćwiczenia zwinnościowo-akrobatyczne i skoki. Warszawa 1997.


Codę: 16.ILAT441

ECTS credits: 1

Course type: obligatory

Course level: intermediate

Year / Semester: II/4

Number of hours: 30

Teacher: Piotr Inerowicz, PhD.

Languagc of instruction: Polish


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