20.    B. P. S h a p i r o: Marketing for nonprofit organizations. W: The marketing of library and information services. London 1981 s. 26-34.

21.    S.Sberman: Deueloping the library image. W: The marketing of library and information services. London 1981 s. 292-301.

22.    V. K. Tucci: Information marketing for library. „Annual Review of Information Science and Technology^ 1988 Vol. 23 s. 59-82.

23.    D. R. W o r 1 o c k: Implementing the information audit. tfAslib Proceedingć' 1987 VoL 39 nr 9 s. 255-260.

24.    H. W. Z a i s: Economic modę ling: on aid to the pricing of information sernice s. W: The marketing of library and information services. London 1981 s. 216-222.



The author identiiies main problems of marketing of library and information services, in particulan identification of basie functions and activities, information market partitioning, service development and shaping, determination of service fees on the basis on cost and supply/demand analysis, and methods of promotion and advertising of information services. Review is based on examples taken brom American, British and French literaturę. The role of market analysis in collection of data necessary for the proper marketing decision is stressed.

Maszynopis wpłynął do redakcji 19 lutego 1992


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